Upcoming Events
04.02.2025: Forschungswerkstatt Politikwissenschaften
Melody Crowder-Meyer, an Associate Professor of Political Science at Davidson College in North Carolina (USA), will share insights on "The United States After the Election." You can find more information about it here.
2024: YES! - Young Economic Solutions
The JGU is partner of the school competition „YES! - Young Economic Solutions“ for the first time.
Isabell Zipperle, Katharina Hartinger and Erik Sarrazin, three young researcher from the IPP, engage at YES! with a project about the topic „Schlüsselkompetenzen der Zukunft: Wie kann uns die Schule von heute auf die Arbeitswelt von morgen vorbereiten?“.
As part of the program YES! students work together with young researchers to develop their own ideas for economical and societal questions. Afterwards they present and discuss them at a conference with other school teams and people from politics, the economy and the society.
If you are interested to become a part of YES! 2025, you can contact YES! personally next year. You can find more information about it here and here as well.
Past Events
14.-15.11.2024: Annual IPP Retreat Osthofen
In November 2024, members of the IPP gathered for the tenth consecutive retreat in Osthofen close to Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration and talk about the future of the IPP.
30.10.2024: EXPOHEALTH Workshop
IPP researcher Fabienne Pradella prsented her research at the EXPOHEALTH Workshop. To find more information on EXPOHEALTH click here.
19.-22.10.2024: Conference Travel to the Strategic Management Society Conference in Istanbul
Constantin Lichti from the Chair of Management and Digital Transformation received IPP funding for his conference travel costs to participate at the Strategic Management Society Conference in Istanbul.
01.-02.10.2024: Conference Travel to the Fragile Lives Conference in Berlin
Fabienne Pradella from the Chair Statistics and Econometrics received IPP funding for her conference travel to present her project „Weather Shocks and Households” at the Fragile Lives Conference in Berlin.
30.09-02.10.2024: FReDA Autumn School
The panel study “FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study” at the Federal Institute for Population Studies (BiB) in Wiesbaden and the Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” (IPP) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz organized the FReDA Autumn School 2024. You can find more information about it here.
25.-27.9.2024: Causal Methods in Early-Life Research: An Interdisciplinary Workshop
Establishing causal evidence for relationships between early-life exposures and later-life health and human capital outcomes is an important tool for understanding long-term trajectories from the earliest life stages, offering new opportunities for developing health and economic interventions.
By bringing together experts from economics, epidemiology, medicine, the social sciences and other disciplines, this workshop seeks to underscore the value of integrating disciplinary methodologies in investigating causal effects in early-life research. We aim to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, exploration of synergistic research methods, and discussions on the current state of the field.
The on-site workshop will contain interactive components, as well as talks, a poster session, and a keynote lecture (see preliminary program). The keynote will be held by Maya Rossin-Slater, health economist and Associate Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine.
05.-08.09.2024: Conference Travel to the APSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia
Prof. Dr. Claudia Landwehr and Lea Stallbaum from the Chair of Political Theory and Public Policy received IPP funding for their conference travel costs to participate at the APSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia.
03.09.2024: Workshop Landtag
Am 3. September haben die IPP-Mitglieder Claudia Landwehr, Lea Elsässer, Armin Schäfer, Salvatore Barbaro und Daniel Schunk ihre Forschung vor Vertreterinnen und Vertretern des rheinland-pfälzischen Landtags vorgestellt und dabei in gemeinsamer Diskussion Kooperationsmöglichkeiten ausgelotet.
25.-29.08.2024: Conference Travel to the Medical Informatics Europe Conference in Athens
Louisa Schwarz from the Chair of Information Systems & Business Administration participated at the Medical Informatics Europe Conference in Athens. She received IPP funding for her conference travel costs.
09.07.2024: Vortrag zum Thema „Scope for Creating Alternatives: Anthropology for Peace”
The TISSS Lab presented the talk by Professor Sumathi Srinivasalu from the University of Madras, Chennai, India about „Scope for Creating Alternatives: Anthropology for Peace”. You can find more information about it here.
02-03.07.2024: Workshop "KI-Einsatz im Social Assessment bei Asylverfahren und Sozialdienstleistungsvergabe für Geflüchtete"
Workshop des internationalen Forschungsprojekts Artificial Intelligence for Assessment zu den Ergebnissen der deutschen Fallstudie des Projekts: "KI-Einsatz im Social Assessment bei Asylverfahren und Sozialdienstleistungsvergabe für Geflüchtete".
21.03-22.03.2024: Conference Travel to the AURÖ Workshop for young researchers on Environmental and Resource Economics
Yen Nhi Nguyen from the Chair of International Finance participated at the AURÖ Workshop for young researchers on Environmental and Resource Economics at Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation in Karlsruhe. She received IPP funding for her conference travel costs.
07.03-09.03.2024: Conference Travel to the SCP Annual Conference- Minds, Markets, and Machines: Finding Harmony for Consumer Well-Being
Jana Gerhart from the Chair of Social Media visited Nashville to participate at the "SCP Annual Conference". She received IPP funding for her conference travel costs.
05.02.2024: Faculty Seminar with Samuel Stäbler from Tilburg University
Samuel Stäbler from Tilburg University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: "Why Do Media Outlets Report About Academic Research? An Empirical Study of Over 15,000 Marketing Articles"
23.01.2024: Brownbag Seminar with Anna-Sophie Kurella from University of Mannheim
Anna-Sophie Kurella from University of Mannheim will present her researchproject "Do plurality-based electoral systems favor polarizing parties from the right?" at the Brown Bag Seminar from 12 a.m. until 1 p.m. in room HS V (00-251).
22.01.2024: Faculty Seminar with Holger Herz from Uni Fribourg
Holger Herz from Uni Fribourg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: tba
17.01.2024: Faculty Seminar with Larry Hedges from Northwestern University
Larry Hedges from Northwestern University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: Why Are “Clinical” Effects Invisible?
15.-16.01.2024: Workshop on Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses
The Chair of Statistics and Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk) and the Chair of Social Stratification Research (Prof. Dr. Gunnar Otte) with support of the IPP are organizing a workshop on systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses. This workshop is aimed at researchers and students throughout all social sciences. Monday, Jan. 15th will focus on systematic reviews and Tuesday, Jan. 16th will focus on meta-analyses. For this second day, they managed to get Larry Hedges as the instructor. Prof. Hedges is without any doubt one of the world’s most renowned experts on meta-analyses. Please find more information in the brochure attached. You can sign up here. . Deadline is November 24th.
14.-15.12.2023: Workshop Shaping Globalization
Economic Consequences and Policy Responses
Dr. Miriam Kohl (Chair of International Economics) from the IPP is organizing a workshop aimed for young researchers about Shaping Globalization. It takes place from the 14th to 15th December, and you can have a look at the program here. If you are interested, please write an email to Miriam Kohl (miriam.kohl@uni-mainz.de) until the 30th November.
18.12.2023: Faculty Seminar with Martin B. Schmitz from Vanderbilt University
Martin B. Schmitz from Vanderbilt University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: tba
27.11.2023: Faculty Seminar with Daniel Heyen from RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Daniel Heyen from RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: Designing Credible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms to Promote Compliance
20.11.2023: Faculty Seminar with Benedikt Downar from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Benedikt Downar from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen will give a talk at the faculty seminar about the topic "Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable – Evidence from Remote Auditing".
16.11.2023: Talk from Nikolaus Steinbeis from University College London
The IPP would like to invite you to a talk from Nikolaus Steinbeis from University College London. The title of his talk is: The case for control as a core mechanism of positive child development. It will take place on 16.11.23 at 2 pm in HS VII (00-341; altes Rewi).
Abstract: My lab studies mechanisms of positive child development and leverages these insights to devise interventions. In this talk I will present recent and ongoing work on control as such a candidate mechanism. Specifically, I will cover two different aspects of control, namely cognitive control, that is our ability to organise thought and action in the pursuit of long-term goals; and our subjective sense of control, that is the degree to which we feel we are able to influence events in our environment. I will begin with presenting data from a recently completed randomized control trial which sought to improve cognitive control in 235 6-11 year old typically developing children over an 8-week period and tested changes on a host of behavioral and neural outcome measures from before training to immediately and 1 year after training. In the second part I will explore more recent work on how experiences of control generalise. I will present data on the buffering effects of heightened sense of control against later stress, as well as the mechanisms of generalisation of experiences of control and how these might go awry as a result of early life adversity. I will discuss these findings in line with recent frameworks characterising control as a highly dynamic and rational process.
08.11-11.11.2023: Conference Travels to the 16. European Public Health Conference
The chair of Statistics and Econometrics visited Dublin to participate at the "16. European Public Health Conference". Timo Münz and Paul Witte received IPP funding for their conference travel costs.
06.11.2023: Faculty Seminar with Harald Fadinger from Uni Mannheim
Harald Fadinger from Uni Mannheim has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: Designing Credible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms to Promote Compliance
15.09.2023-15.01.2024: Research stay from Fiona Kazarovytska at the University of Chicago Booth School
Since September, Fiona Kazarovytska from the chair of Professor Roland Imhoff (chair of Social- and Law psychology) has been doing a 4-month research visit at the University of Chicago Booth School under the supervision of Prof. Ayelet Fishbach. The goal is to deepen the collaboration and to focus on a major research gap in the area of historical defenses.
During her research stay, she also visited the Social Forum of the Clark University.
12.10.2023: Brownbag Seminar
Jana Gerhart from the Chair of Social Media attended a Brownbag Seminar at BI Oslo as a visiting scholar with an own research presentation.
18.09-20.09.2023: FReDA "Autumn School"
From 18-20.9.2023, the JGU is proud to host the first FReDA "Autumn School". Please find more information in the flyer attached.
14.-16.09.2023: European Trade Study Group (ETSG) Annual Conference 2023
Prof. Dr. Andrea Lassmann (Chair of International Economic Policy), Dr. Miriam Kohl (Chair of International Economics), Yen Nhi Nguyen (Chair of International Finance) and Shiyun Hu (Chair of International Economic Policy) attended the European Trade Study Group Annual Conference 2023 at the University of Surrey.
21.-23.06.2023: Workshop Against Lottocracy with Cristina Lafont & Nadia Urbinati
The chair of Political Science offers in Cooperation with the IPP a Workshop on the topic Against Lottocracy with Cristina Lafont and Nadia Urbinati organized by Claudia Landweher. It takes place from 21.06 until 23.06.2023 and you can find the program here. If you are interested please register at theorie@politik.uni-mainz.de
12.06.2023: Faculty Seminar with Marten Hillebrand from the Uni Fribourg
Marten Hillebrand from the Uni Fribourg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals: Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game".
08.06.2023: New Publication from Gunnar Otte "Quality Criteria in Sociology An Analytical-empirical Perspective"
Gunnaer Otte from the chair of Social Stratification Research has published together with Tim Sawert, Josef Brüderl, Stefanie Kley, Clemens Kroneberg & Ingo Rohlfing a paper in the journal Zeitschrift für Soziologie. It is called "Quality Criteria in Sociology An Analytical-empirical Perspective" and you can access it here.
26.05.2023: Faculty Seminar with Tim Martens from the Bocconi University
Tim Martens from the Bocconi University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic "Do Firms Listen to Social Media Analysts? Evidence from Seeking Alpha". It starts at 3 p.m. and takes place in Room HS I.
15.05.2023: Faculty Seminar with Inga Heiland from the NTNU Trondheim
Inga Heiland from NTNU Trondheim has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar.
Topic: Friends of friends: Ultimate ownership concentration and markups
08.05.2023: Faculty Seminar with Stefan Müller from the IWH
Stefan Müller from the IWH Halle has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic "Minimum Wages, Productivity, and Reallocation"
04.-05.05.2023: Annual IPP Retreat Osthofen
In May 2023, members of the IPP gathered for the ninth consecutive retreat in Osthofen close to Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration and talk about the future of the IPP.
28.04.2023: Faculty Seminar with Sean Cao from the University of Maryland
Sean Cao from the University of Maryland has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic "Feedback on Emerging Corporate Policies"
04.-05.04.2023: Workshop: Gewichtung von Survey-Daten
Wie im Dezember angekündigt, veranstaltet der Arbeitsbereich Sozialstrukturanalyse am 4.4./5.4.2023 mit Unterstützung des IPP einen Workshop zur "Gewichtung von Survey-Daten" an der JGU Mainz. Referentinnen sind Dr. Uta Landrock und Dr. Anne Konrad vom Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. Am 3.4.2023 kann bei Bedarf ein Einführungskurs in R belegt werden, der von Joschka Baum, JGU Mainz, durchgeführt wird und mit den Referentinnen abgestimmt ist.
Bitte beachten Sie das Programm.
Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort unter https://sozialstruktur.soziologie.uni-mainz.de/gewichtung2023/ möglich und läuft bis zum 10.2.2023. Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist kostenfrei, die Teilnahme am Mittag- und Abendessen erfolgt auf Selbstkostenbasis. Die Anzahl der Plätze ist begrenzt und wir bitten Sie, sich nur anzumelden, wenn Sie verbindlich teilnehmen möchten. Zeitnah nach Anmeldeschluss informieren wir Sie über die Zulassung. Im Bedarfsfall bilden wir eine Nachrückliste.
Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse!
Richten Sie Rückfragen bitte an sekretariat.otte@uni-mainz.de.
29.-30.03.2023: Tagung: "As good as it gets?"
Am 29. und 30. März 2023 fand die Tagung "As good as it gets? - Promises and perils of representative democracy" des Mainzer Zentrum für empirische Demokratieforschung statt.
15.-16.02.2023: Workshop: Demokratische Innovationen zwischen Simulation und Transformation
Am 15. und 16.02.2023 findet ein gemeinsamer, vom IPP geförderter, Workshop der Arbeitsbereiche Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte der TU Darmstadt sowie Politische Theorie und Public Policy der JGU Mainz zum Thema "Demokratische Innovationen zwischen Simulation und Transformation" statt.
Institut für Politikwissenschaft der TU Darmstadt
Landwehrstr. 48-50A, 64293 Darmstadt
Weltherrschaftsraum (423 | 318)
Interessierte können sich gerne bis zum 31.01.2023 per Mail bei katharina.liesenberg@tu-darmstadt.de oder frinken@politik.uni-mainz.de anmelden.
Nähere Informationen enthält dieser Flyer!
31.01.2023: Brown Bag Seminar with Marc Diederichs
Am 31.01.2023 von 12-13 Uhr präsentiert Marc Diederichs (LS van Ewijk, FB03) im Rahmen des Brown Bag Seminars ein Forschungsprojekt zum Thema "Interdisciplinary Research in Economics". Das Seminar findet hybrid im HS V (00-251) im alten Rewi sowie auf MS Teams statt.
Abstract: Solving complex societal problems often requires combining different streams of knowledge and researchers from different fields. However, it is unclear if research conducted in this interdisciplinary way is indeed impactful given possible hurdles, e.g., in teamwork or publishing. Using more than 13,000 research articles published in economics journals in 2011 and 2012 and three novel measures of interdisciplinary research, we find a robust negative effect of a paper’s interdisciplinarity within economics on its impact and journal placement.
Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Brown Bag Seminar.
30.01.2023: Faculty Seminar with Joschka Wanner from the Uni Potsdam
Joschka Wanner from the Universität Potsdam has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic “Multinational Production, Trade, and Carbon Emissions”.
23.01.2023: Faculty Seminar with Philipp Richter from the Uni Mannheim
Philipp Richter from the Universität Mannheim has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic "Offshoring and Environmental Policy: Firm Selection and Distributional Effects".
16.01.2023: Faculty Seminar with Vera Eichenauer from the ETH Zürich
Vera Eichenauer from the ETH Zürich has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic „Mild Deglobalization? The Effects of Screening Foreign Investments on Mergers and Acquisitions”.
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Pennsylvania State University von Dr. Miriam Kohl
Von August bis Dezember 2022 war Dr. Miriam Kohl, Postdoktorandin am Lehrstuhl für International Economics (Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms) im Rahmen eines Forschungsaufenthalts zu Gast an der Pennsylvania State University. Eingeladen wurde sie von Prof. Stephen Yeaple, einem führenden Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Handelstheorie unter Berücksichtigung von Firmenheterogenität und Arbeitsmarktimperfektionen. Miriam Kohl konnte dort ihre Forschung zu den Verteilungseffekten der Globalisierung präsentieren und durch den Austausch mit renommierten Handelsökonom*innen wertvolle Eindrücke und produktive Impulse gewinnen.
12.12.2022: Faculty Seminar with Svenja Dube from the Fordham University
Svenja Dube from the Fordham University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Behavior.
28.11.2022: Faculty Seminar with Andrea Menclova from the University of Canterbury
Andrea Mencolva from the University of Canterbury has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Schooling Opportunities for 5-Year Olds: Some Early Origins of High School Achievement".
21.11.2022: Faculty Seminar with Gianluca Orefice from the Université Paris Dauphine
Gianluca Orefice from the Université Paris Dauphine has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of Deep Trade Agreements and Heterogeneous Firms Exports in Developing Countries
November 14th 2022: Faculty Seminar with Simon Wiederhold from the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Simon Wiederhold from the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of Early Child Care and Maternal Labor Supply – A Field Experiment
01.-03.11.2022: AI FORA WORKSHOP. The role of AI for global social goods provision in times of crisis. How the world deals with the war in Ukraine
Nähere Informationen können Sie dem Flyer anbei entnehmen.
Für eine Veranstaltungsteilnahme melden Sie sich bitte unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse an: wurster@politik.uni-mainz.de
28.-30.09.2022: Gemeinsame Tagung der Sektion Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte und des AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie in der DVPW
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Alte Mensa) 28.-30. September 2022
Das Programm können Sie hier herunterladen.
Für eine Veranstaltungsteilnahme melden Sie sich bitte unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse an: theorie@politik.uni-mainz.de
Forschungsaufenthalt am Massachusetts Institute of Technology von Marc Diederichs
Vom April bis Ende Juni 2022 hat Marc Diederichs, Doktorand am Lehrstuhl Statistik und Ökonometrie bei Prof. Dr. Van Ewjik, einen 3-monatigen Forschungsaufenthalt am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) absolviert. Während seines Aufenthalts am MIT konnte er sich mit dem Nobelpreisträger von 2021 für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Joshua Angrist, über seine Forschung im Bereich von kausalen Zusammenhängen austauschen und viele neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen.
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Université Laval in Quebec von David Wittenberg
David Wittenberg, Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und BWL bei Prof. Dr. Rothlauf, hat einen 3-monatigen Forschungsaufenthalt an der Université Laval in Quebec City (Kanada) absolviert. Dort war er von April bis Ende Juni 2022 bei Prof. Dr. Gagné am Institut für Intelligenz und Daten (IID) eingeladen. Durch den regen Austausch mit Prof. Dr. Gagné hat er viele neue Eindrücke im Bereich der Entwicklung von Methoden für maschinelles Lernen und heuristische Optimierung gewinnen können.
02.06.2022: IPP Symposium "Science Meets Policy"
organisiert in Kooperation mit dem Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship Programm
Wie können wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse hilfreich in politische Entscheidungsprozesse eingebracht werden? Anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele und unterschiedlicher Erfahrungsperspektiven zielt das Symposium „Science Meets Policy“ darauf ab, diese Frage zu erörtern und grundlegende Herausforderungen und konkrete Lösungsansätze zu identifizieren.
Das Programm können Sie herunterladen.
12.05.2022: Gastvortrag am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der JGU
Russland, die Ukraine und die Zerstörung der europäischen Sicherheitsordnung
Referent: Dr. Hans-Joachim Spanger, Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)
Wann: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022, 18:00 Uhr
Wo: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz – Hörsaal RW1, Haus Recht und Wirtschaft, Jakob-Welder-Weg 9, 55128 Mainz
Informationen zur Veranstaltung:
Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine hat weitreichende Konsequenzen – nicht nur für die Ukraine, sondern auch für die künftige Ordnung in Europa. Wie wird diese Ordnung aussehen, da die Vision eines geeinten und freien Kontinents verflogen ist? Was hat dieses „Gemeinsame Europäische Haus“ scheitern lassen und schließlich zerstört? Tritt an dessen Stelle ein reaktivierter Kalter Krieg und welche Rolle werden in der neuen europäischen Ordnung Russland und die NATO spielen? Was wird aus der Ukraine?
Dr. Hans-Joachim Spanger ist am Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung seit 40 Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig und arbeitet vor allem über Russland, die europäische Sicherheit und Demokratisierung. Er ist unter anderem Regionalkoordinator für das postsowjetische Eurasien des Bertelsmann Transformation Index und war bis 2021 Gastprofessor an der Nationalen Forschungsuniversität – Hochschule für Ökonomie in Moskau.
05.05.2022: Veranstaltungsreihe "Wir leben monetär in revolutionären Zeiten"
Vortrag: Wirtschaftswissenschaften als Sozialwissenschaften
Die Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz veranstaltet in Kopperation mit dem IPP eine Vortragsreihe zur aktuellen wirtschaftspolitischen Situation und dem Beitrag der Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit. Diese kleine Veranstaltungsreihe findet im Mai und Juni unter dem Titel "Wir leben monetär in revolutionären Zeiten" statt.
Professor Dr. Salvatore Barbaro von der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde hierfür eingeladen, am 5. Mai, einen Vortrag über "Wirtschaftswissenschaft als Sozialwissenschaft" zu halten. Hierbei greift Barbaros auf, dass die Wirtschaftswissenschaft eine besondere und durchaus umstrittene Rolle innerhalb der Gesellschaftswissenschaften einnimmt und gleichzeitig wertvolle Beiträge zur Entwicklung demokratischer Entscheidungsprozesse und Gerechtigkeitstheorien leistet. Barbaros Vortrag kreist um die ökonomischen Theorien von Amartya Sen.
Für die Teilnahme an dem Vortrag wird eine vorherige Anmeldung unter anmeldung@politische-bildung-rlp.de bis zwei Tage vor der Veranstaltung vorausgesetzt.
Den Flyer zur Veranstaltungsreihe erhalten Sie hier.
05.04.–07.04.2022: AI Fora First General Meeting
Die Digitalisierung öffentlicher Verwaltungen ist in aller Munde. Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? Welche Rolle übernehmen automatisierte Prozesse künftig etwa bei der Vergabe öffentlicher Güter?
AI FORA ist ein Forschungsprojekt, das in insgesamt elf Länderfallstudien den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz bei der Vergabe öffentlicher Güter und Dienstleistungen untersucht. Dabei wird nicht nur eine Bestandsaufnahme der derzeitigen Praktiken – und wie es zu ihnen gekommen ist – vorgenommen, sondern auch der Blick auf bessere KI gelegt. Denn gerade im Bereich der öffentlichen Güter muss stets eine Abwägung zwischen Effizienz, sozialer Gerechtigkeit und demokratischer Partizipation gewahrt werden.
Am 6. April werden dazu im Rahmen des 1st general meeting die verschiedenen Länderfallstudien und die unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen für eine bessere KI vorgestellt. In mehreren Sessions stellen die Forscher*innen aus den elf Ländern den Bereich öffentlicher Güter vor, der Gegenstand ihrer Fallstudie ist.
Mehr Informationen zur Agenda des Meetings erhalten Sie hier.
01.03.–02.03.2022: Workshop: Citizens’ Conceptions of Democracy and Political Process Preferences: State of the Art and Future Directions
Mehr Informationen zum Workshop finden Sie hier. Die Teilnahme ist aufgrund der Hygienebestimmungen nur nach vorheriger Anmeldung bei Claudia Landwehr möglich.
14.03.–18.03.2022: Spring School: Webscraping und Data Mining mit Python
Durch die Allgegenwart von Informationstechnologien ist auch in den Sozialwissenschaften die Bedeutung digitaler Prozessdaten enorm gewachsen. Die adäquate Analyse solcher aus der Interaktion
mit sozio-technischen Systemen gewonnen Daten erfordert entsprechendes Hintergrundwissen sowie
spezifische praktische Fähigkeiten, die dieser Kurs vermitteln möchte. Durch Übungen und Anwendungsbeispiele sollen Möglichkeiten, aber auch Probleme neuer digitaler Datenquellen aufgezeigt
werden. Der Workshop führt zunächst in die Programmiersprache Python ein. Danach werden verschiedene Methoden der Datenextraktion und schließlich auch die speziellen Herausforderungen der
Aufbereitung und Analyse dieser Datentypen behandelt.
Die Spring School findet in deutscher Sprache statt. Aktuell ist die Veranstaltung in Präsenz geplant.
Gegebenenfalls muss pandemiebedingt kurzfristig auf ein Online-Format gewechselt werden.
Mehr Informationen zum Event finden Sie hier.
January 24th 2022: Faculty Seminar with Christian Bayer from the University of Bonn
Christian Bayer from the University of Bonn has been invited to a faculty seminar talk about the topic of "Monopsony Makes Firms not only Small but also Unproductive: Why East Germany has not Converged".
January 17th 2022: Faculty Seminar with Krisztina Kis-Katos from the University of Göttingen
Krisztina Kis-Katos from the University of Göttingen has been invited to a faculty seminar talk about the topic of "Dealing with agricultural shocks: Income source diversification through solar panel home systems".
January 10th 2022: Faculty Seminar with Toke Aidt from the Cambridge University
Toke Aidt from the Cambridge University has been invited to a faculty seminar talk about the topic of "The Origins of Elite Persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France".
December 6th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Matthias Krapf from the Cambridge University
Matthias Krapf from the Cambridge University has been invited to a faculty seminar talk about the topic of "The Corporate Elasticity of Taxable Income: Event Study Evidence from Switzerland".
November 22nd 2021: Faculty Seminar with Navid Sabet from the Goethe University Frankfurt
Navid Sabet from the Goethe University Frankfurt has been invited to a faculty seminar talk about the topic of "Terrorism and the rise of right-wing populism: Evidence from Germany and the AfD".
November 15th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Andrei Levchenko from the University of Michigan
Andrei Levchenko from the University of Michigan has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "The Long-Term Effects of Industrial Policy".
November 8th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Mathias Trabandt from the Goethe University Frankfurt
Mathias Trabandt from the Goethe University Frankfurt has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "How do People Respond to Small Probability Events with Large, Negative Consequences?".
November 4th - 5th, 2021: IPP Retreat Osthofen
In November 2021, members of the IPP gathered for the eigth consecutive retreat in Osthofen close to Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration and talk about the future of the IPP.
September 27th - October 1st 2021:
Summer School advanced methods in behavioral economics
Prof. Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public and Behavioral Economics at the University of Mainz, Germany) and Niklas Witzig have organized a Summer School on advanced methods in behavioral economics, which took place in person September 27th - October 1st, 2021. Lectures were given by Simeon Schudy (LMU Munich), Jan Hausfeld (University of Amsterdam) and Carina Hausladen (ETH Zurich). See here for more info.
This course is designed for students from the fields of economics and related disciplines in the social sciences. The main purpose of this course is to bring PhD students with an interest in behavioral economics in contact with methodological advancements in the field – and in contact with each other. Students from related disciplines who are interested in behavioral research can also benefit from participating in this summer school. There is no specific pre-requisite for this course other than being interested in doing behavioral research, e.g., as part of your doctoral dissertation. The third part requires basic knowledge of the programming language Python. We will provide you with details and materials regarding the necessary prerequisites 4-6 weeks in advance and this should prepare you sufficiently.
Please send your CV and short letter of motivation to ipp-mainz@uni-mainz.de (subject:
SSBE2021) by 15 July 2021.
We currently plan the Summer School in person but may switch to an online format if
Montag, 06.09.2021 von 17:00 – 18:30 Uhr
Corona und die Schulen – Konzepte und Maßnahmen für Herbst und Winter
Auch zum Beginn des neuen Schuljahres stellen sich viele Fragen dazu, wie bei anhaltender Corona Pandemie ein sicherer Schulbesuch möglich ist und welche Konsequenzen mit bestimmten Schutz- und Managementkonzepten verbunden sind. Das Kompetenznetz Public Health lädt daher zu einer OnlineVeranstaltung ein, bei der zunächst Expert:innen zu Wort kommen und anschließend Zeit für Diskussionen im Plenum sein wird. Das Kompetenznetz plant in Abhängigkeit vom inhaltlichen Verlauf der Veranstaltung zeitnah weitere Seminare zu offenen Fragestellungen, z.B. zum Thema Aerosole und Luftreiniger.
Die Veranstaltung findet Online lässt sich wie folgt erreichen:
Meeting-ID: 959 740 418
Kenncode: 017071 1
Mehr Informationen zum Event finden Sie hier.
August 23th - 26th 2021: Summer School „The development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills in childhood and adolescence“
Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Public Center at the JGU Mainz and the Collaborative Research Center TR 224 at the Universities of Bonn and Mannheim.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2021 and Notification Deadline: August 13, 2021
We invite applications for a Summer School on “The Development of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills in Childhood and Adolescence” to be online from Monday, August 23, to Thursday, August 26.This course is designed for Ph.D. students and recent post-docs from the field of economics and related disciplines in the social sciences.
The main purpose of this course is to introduce Ph.D. students and any post-docs to the methodological and topical advancements in the field (design or surveys on subjective expectations related skills production function and expected returns to education; models of skill development). There is no specific pre-requistite for the course other than being interested in doing research on this and related topics, e.g., as part of your doctoral dissertation. Each day, there will be a long morning lecture session. The afternoons will offer opportunities for students to discuss their ideas and research with faculty and fellow students.
The Summer School will be held by two leading economists in the field, Rita Ginja (University of Bergen, Norway) and Christopher Tauh (Cambridge University, UK).
Please send your CV and short letter of motivation to kkaufman@uni-mainz.de (subject: SS2021) by July 2021 and indicate if you are interested in presenting your own research or research ideas in the afternoon sessions. The maximum number of participants is 20.
The organizer of the summer school is Prof. Katja Maria Kaufmann, Ph.D. (JGU Mainz)
July 5th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Burak Can from the Maastricht University
Burak Can from the Maastricht University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "On Reward Sharing in Blockchain Mining Pools".
June 28th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Barthélémy Bonadio from the University of Michigan
Barthélémy Bonadio from the University of Michigan has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "Migrants, Trade and Market Access".
June 18th 2021: Covid 19 Symposium
Das IPP verbindet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen und möchte sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Corona-Pandemie, deren Bewältigung sowie Folgen zusammenbringen und eine Plattform für den Austausch bieten.
Mehr Informationen zum Event finden Sie hier.
June 14th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Alessandra Bonfiglioli from the Queen Mary University of London
Alessandra Bonfiglioli from the Queen Mary University of London has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Export, Female Comparative Advantage and the Gender Wage Gap".
June 7th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Christoph Trebesch from the Kiel University
Christoph Trebesch from the Kiel University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of " Coping with Disasters: Two Centuries of International Official Lending".
May 31st 2021: Faculty Seminar with Alejandro Cuñat from the University of Vienna & Robert Zymek from the University of Edinburgh
Alejandro Cuñat from the University of Vienna and Robert Zymek from the University of Edinburgh have been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Bilateral Trade Imbalances".
May 17th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Sharon Traiberman from the New York University
Sharon Traiberman from the New York University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Globalization, Trade Imbalances, and Labor Market Adjustment".
May 10th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Evgenia Passari from the Université Paris Dauphine
Evgenia Passari from the Université Paris Dauphine will give a presentation in the faculty seminar. The title is "Reading the News: Telling Supply from Demand in Commodity Markets".
April 30th 2021: 2nd Digital IPP Retreat
14:00 Welcome by Daniel Schunk
14:05 Mini-Graduiertenkolleg „Resilient Institutions“ by Claudia Landwehr
14:30 Lecture by Aleksandra Kaurin
14:55 Break in Breakout-Rooms
15:40 Global Spillovers of Taxation in the Online Advertising Market. Theory and Evidence from Facebook by Andrea Lassmann
16:05 Lecture by Marcus Maurer
16:30 Closing Discussion
16:35 End
January 18th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Aksel Erbahar from the Erasmus University Rotterdam
Aksel Erbahar from the Erasmus University Rotterdam will give a presentation in the faculty seminar. The title is " Trade Protection Along Supply Chains".
January 11th 2021: Faculty Seminar with Martin Schmitz from the European Central Bank
Martin Schmitz from the European Central Bank will give a presentation in the faculty seminar. The title is "Shifts in the portfolio holdings of euro area investors in the midst of COVID-19: looking-through investment funds".
December 7th 2020: Faculty Seminar with Rui Costa from the University of Essex
Rui Costa from the University of Essex has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Trade and Worker Deskilling".
November 23rd 2020: Faculty Seminar with Michel Serafinelli, from the University of Essex
Michel Serafinelli from the University of Essex has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "The World's Rust Belts".
November 16th 2020: Faculty Seminar with Thomas Cornelissen, from the University of Essex
Thomas Cornelissen from the University of Essex has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Knowledge Spillover and Individual Careers".
November 13th 2020: Digital IPP Retreat
In November 2020, for the seventh consecutive time, members of the IPP gathered for the annual retreat. Due to the pandemic situation, the retreat needed to be hosted purely online. Despite this, the main purpose of the IPP retreat could be preserved: the exchange of research ideas and potential collaborations was fostered and the members of the IPP, including the new ones, could engage in interesting discussions. In addition, Prof. Iryna Gurevych from the TU Darmstadt attended the retreat as an external guest, outlining the potential for collaboration between the IPP and CASG.
A special emphasis at the retreat this year was the COVID-19 research conducted at the IPP. Numerous promising projects, in part funded by the IPP, were presented, which will serve as the main scientific contribution to an upcoming IPP Symposium in 2021 about the social science COVID-19 research at the JGU.
November 11th 2020: IPP Researchers Meet Senior Policy Professionals
14 IPP researchers participated in the Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme in early November 2020. Our researchers conducted virtual meetings with visiting fellows from the German federal ministries of finance as well as education and research, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hessian state ministries, the European Commission, and major national media outlets (ZDF, STERN Magazine).
Our IPP researchers talked with the visiting fellows on issues such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, trends in education, digital transformation, and economic reforms in Germany and the European Union. Professor Andrej Gill (corporate finance) met a policy fellow from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: “The meetings with the policy fellows provide great opportunities for us researchers to receive first-hand information on salient policy issues which often lead to ideas for future research projects. Likewise, the policy fellows learn about current research trends. Thus, the Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme offers a unique opportunity to feed our academic expertise into policy processes.”
The Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme is a joint endeavour of the universities Mainz, Frankfurt and Darmstadt. Since the inception of the programme 127 fellows have conducted about 1,600 meetings with more than 500 researchers in the Rhine-Main Area.
September 9th 2020: Virtual COVID19-Research Workshop
A virtual Conference bringing many researchers together, to discuss the current COVID19-Research at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Please find attached the program of the Workshop:
Virtual Meeting Corona
April 24th 2020: Faculty Seminar with Miriam Wüst from the University of Copenhagen
Miriam Wüst from the University of Copenhagen will give a presentation in the faculty seminar. The title is tba.
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
January 27th 2020: Faculty Seminar with Andreas Fuchs, from the University of Göttingen
Andreas Fuchs from the University of Göttingen has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Aid, China, and Growth: Evidence from a New Global Development Finance Dataset".
January 20th 2020: Faculty Seminar with Martin Halla from the Johannes Kepler University Linz
Martin Halla from the JKU Linz has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "Cutting Fertility? The Effect of Cesarean Deliveries on Subsequent Fertility and Maternal Labor Supply".
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 17th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Steven Ongena from the University of Zurich
Steven Ongena from the University of Zurich has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "Being Stranded with Fossil Fuel Reserves? Climate Policy Risk and the Pricing of Bank Loans".
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 16th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Nina Mazar from the University of Boston
Nina Mazar from the University of Boston has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar about "Behavioral Insights in Action".
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 9th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Ingo Isphording from the IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Ingo Isphording from the IZA - Institute of Labor Economics has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "The Value of a Peer".
November 29th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Maarten Lindeboom from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maarten Lindeboom from the VU Amsterdam will hold a presentation about "A Bit of Salt, A Trace of Life: Gender Norms and The Impact of a Salt Iodization Program on Human Capital Formation of School Aged Children".
9:00 - 10:00 am. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 27th 2019: Presentation with Hanna Lierse from the University of Bremen
Hanna Lierse from the University of Bremen will hold a presentation about "The devision of the society? redistribution of wealth in times of economic liberalization".
18:00 - 19:00 pm. Location of the talk: Room 01-611 GFG building.
November 18th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Colin Green the from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Colin Green from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Beauty and Adolescent Risky Behaviours".
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 13th 2019: Mercator-Science-Policy-Fellowship program
On November 13, 11 executives from ministries and authorities, NGOs and the media visited the Johannes Gutenberg-University as part of the Mercator-Science-Policy-Fellowship program. At the JGU, they engaged in discussions with 11 scientists from the research unit Interdisciplinary Public Policy. The discussions revolved around a vast set of topics, such as education policy, governmental capacity and ability, populism and fake news, social challenges for NGOs, stability of financial markets, and shifting political communications. The participating executives come from federal authorities like the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Audit Office, the media (Süddeutsche Zeitung, MDR, NDR), NGOs (German Red Cross, Maltesers) and international organizations (World Bank, EBRD and European Commission). The interaction proved to be very fruitful for Professor Daniel Schunk: „The research unit Interdisciplinary Public Policy investigates a broad spectrum of contemporary questions related to up to date topics in economic, social and educational policy. It is thus very important to discuss our research with representatives from practice. Thus, the discussions within the fellowship program provide an optimal opportunity for our research unit.“
November 11th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Robert Schwager from the Georg-August-University Göttingen
Robert Schwager from the Georg-August-University Göttingen has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of " Quasi-hyperbolic discounting and externalities: Can government intervention improve welfare?".
October 21st 2019: Faculty Seminar with Georg Schaur from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Georg Schaur from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Tariff Rate Uncertainty and the Structure of Supply Chains".
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
September 23rd - 27th 2019: Social Simulation Conference 2019
The Social Simulation Conference 2019 took place September 23 - 27, 2019 at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany.
The conference is one of the key activities of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) to promote social simulation and computational social science in Europe and elsewhere. With over 180 attendees from 25 different countries and more than 120 paper and poster presentations, SSC19 has been greatly received by the attendees.
This year’s special theme was “Social Simulation for Social Policy” with foci on the areas of Urban Planning – Environmental, economic, demographic and social perspectives. Many great papers have been presented on these topics and especially the keynote presentations by Joshua M. Epstein, Nigel Gilbert, Erik Johnston and Gert Jan Hofstede gave interesting insights on social simulation, policy making and on how to use social simulation for policy making.
More information: Social Simulation Conference 2019
September 17th - 20th 2019: Summer School on Machine Learning in Economics and Business
Prof. Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public and Behavioral Economics at the University of Mainz, Germany) has organized a Summer School on Machine Learning, taking place September 17-19, 2019. Lectures will be given by Prof. Dr. Johannes Binswanger (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland).
This course is intended for students from the fields of economics or business with an interest in applying machine learning either for their doctoral thesis or in practical work thereafter.
For Application send your CV and short letter of motivation to ipp-mainz@uni-mainz.de until 30 April 2019. E-mail subject: SSML2019
More Information: Summer School 2019 Machine Learning
September 6th - 7th 2019: International Health Economics Workshop with Keynote “What Were Long-Term Health and Economic Effects of World War II?“ by Jim Smith
Reyn van Ewijk (Chair of Statistics & Econometrics, University of Mainz) and Iris Kesternich (University of Leuven) organize an International Health Economics Workshop in Mainz that takes place on Sept. 6th-7th.
The keynote (Friday Sept. 6th, 2.15-3.15 pm) will be given by Jim Smith (Distinguished Chair in Labor Markets and Demographic Studies of the Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, USA). This keynote is jointly organized as an IPP event by Reyn van Ewijk and Susanne Singer (Epidemiology, University Medical Center, Mainz).
The title of the keynote is “What Were Long-Term Health and Economic Effects of World War II?“. Click here for the abstract.
The workshop is open to everyone.
The event takes place in the Dekanatssaal (room 03-150) of the new ReWi building. Click here for the full program.
September 6th: RMU-Day
At the 6h of September the Rhein-Main-Universitäten (RMU) hosted the "RMU Day" event at the Goethe University in Frankfurt to present the joint efforts of the three universities TU Darmstadt, Goethe University Frankfurt and Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz to a audience of university representatives, the science ministers of both Federal States as well as selected external guests.
At this occasion, the science ministers of Hessia and Rhineland-Palatinate, Angela Dorn and Konrad Wolf, both received a copy of the IPP Policy Brief "Ungleichheit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Ursachen und Implikationen".
August 14th: Workshop Mental Health, Resilience and Political Participation
Prof. Claudia Landwehr (Politics and Economy at the University of Mainz, Germany) and Prof. Oliver Tüscher (Clinical Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Mainz, Germany) invited Prof. Christopher Ojeda (University of Tennessee) to jointly host a workshop on "Mental Health, Resilience and Political Participation".
This workshop is open to everyone. Please register with a short e-mail to politik-und-wirtschaft@politik.uni-mainz.de
More Information: Workshop Mental Health, Resilience and Political Participation
July 8th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Christina Gathmann from the University of Heidelberg
Christina Gathmann from the University of Heidelberg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "Job Loss and Health Spillovers in the Family".
July 1st 2019: Faculty Seminar with Pia Pinger from the University of Bonn
Pia Pinger from the University of Bonn has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar on the topic of "The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education"
June 24th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Jan Marcus from the University of Hamburg
Jan Marcus from the University of Hamburg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar,
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
June 6th - 7th, 2019: IPP Retreat at Schloss Sörgenloch
In June 2019, members of the IPP geathered for the sixth consecutive retreat in the Schloss Sörgenloch near Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration and talk about the future of the IPP.
May 20th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Tibor Neugebauer from the University of Luxembourg
Tibor Neugebauer from the University of Luxembourg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar
4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
April 1st - 5th 2019: Summer School on Advanced Econometrics with Jeffrey Wooldridge
The Chair of Applied Statistics & Econometrics at the University of Mainz (Germany) is hosting a summer school on Advanced Econometrics, taking place April 1-5, 2019. Lectures will be given by the distinguished Prof. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (Michigan State University).
This summer school is organized jointly by Thorsten Schank, Manuel Denzer (Chair of Applied Statistics & Econometrics) and Gunnar Otte (Chair of Social Stratification Research).
Registration Periode expired
More Information: Summer School 2019 Advanced Econometrics
February 25th 2019: Research Seminar with Johannes Weyer from the TU Dortmund
Johannes Weyer from the Technical University Dortmund has been invited to give a talk on
"Governing the Digital Society. Challenges for Agent-Based Modelling"
4:00 - 5:30 pm. Location of the talk: HS IX in Rewi II (old Rewi building).
February 4th, 2019: Faculty Seminar with Arnaud Chevalier from the Royal Holloway University of London
Arnaud Chevalier from the Royal Holloway University of London has been invited to give a talk on
"Immigrant Voters, Taxation and the Size of the Welfare State"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
January 28th 2019: Research Seminar with Roberto V. Zicari from the Goethe University Frankfurt, founder of Frankfurt Big Data Lab
Roberto V. Zicari from the Goethe University Frankfurt has been invited to give a talk on
Big Data and AI– Ethical and Societal implications
at the faculty seminar, 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Location of the talk: HS IX in Rewi II (old Rewi building).
January 28th 2019: Faculty Seminar with Martin Brown from the University of St. Gallen
Martin Brown, from the University of St. Gallen has been invited to give a talk
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
January 21st 2019: Faculty Seminar with Sebastian Krautheim from the University of Passau
Sebastian Krautheim, from the University of Passau has been invited to give a talk
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 3rd 2018: Faculty Seminar with Michael Kosfeld from the Goethe - University Frankfurt
Michael Kosfeld, from the Goethe - University Frankfurt has been invited to give a talk
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 29th 2018: Workshop on Digital Economics
Promoting Exchange between Economic Research and Business Practice
The Workshop is organized by the Chair of Digital Economics at JGU Mainz (Florian Hett)
in close collaboration with Andrej Gill (Chair of Corporate Finance, JGU), Michael Kosfeld (Chair of Organization and Management, Goethe) and Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public and Behavioral Economics, JGU)
Venue: Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt
If you are intersted in participating, please register under digital.economics@uni-mainz.de
More information: Workshop on Digital Economics 2018 - Program
November 26th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Andreas M. Fischer from the Swiss National Bank
Andreas M. Fischer, from the Swiss National Bank has been invited to give a talk on
"The effect of self-financed property buyers on local house prices"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 15th-16th 2018: Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations
On the 15th - 16th of November 2018, the Chair of International Economics and the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz will host the 4th workshop on FDI and Multinational Corporations. This year's keynote Speaker will be Carolina Villegas-Sanchez from the ESADE Business School of Barcelona.
Papers can be submitted to kwacker until September 30, 2018
More information under https://www.international.economics.uni-mainz.de/fdi-workshop/
November 12th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Patrick Kampkötter from the University Tübingen
Patrick Kampkötter, from the University of Bielefeld has been invited to give a talk on
"Paying Gig Workers"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 5th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Christian Eufinger from the University of Navarra
Christian Eufinger, from the University of Navarra (Spain) has been invited to give a talk on
"Trapped in the Safety Net: How Government Guarantees lead to an Underinvestment Problem"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
October 29th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Herbert Dawid from the University of Bielefeld
Herbert Dawid, from the University of Bielefeld has been invited to give a talk
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
July 2th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Iris Kesternich from the University of Leuven
Iris Kesternich, from the University of Leuven (Belgium) has been invited to give a talk on
"Unbalanced sex ratios in Germany caused by World War II and their effect on fertility: a life cycle perspective"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
June 18th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Alexander Sebald from the University of Copenhagen
Alexander Sebald from the University of Copenhagen has been invited to give a talk on
"Self-confidence and reactions to subjective performance evaluations*"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
June 11th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Charles Bellemare from the University of Laval
Charles Bellemare from the University of Laval (Canada) has been invited to give a talk on
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
June 11th-14th 2018 - Mini-course on Econometric Analysis of Experimental Data with Charles Bellemare (Université Laval)
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the econometric analysis of experimental data. The course will focus on methods and models which can be easily estimated in STATA. Programming skills are not required. Code and data sets will be provided as well as practice exercises. The course is structured in four parts covering issues related to the relationship between testing behavioral hypotheses, experimental design, and statistical power.. For more onformation on the course, see the course outline here.
The preliminary dates for the course are:
- Monday, 11th from 10 - 12.
- Tuesday, 12th from 10 – 12 and 14 – 16.
- Thursday, 14th from 10 – 12 and 13 – 15 and 16 – 18.
If you are interest, please contact ipp-mainz [at] uni-mainz.de. The application deadline is the 03.06.2018.
June 4th-5th 2018 - oTree Advanced Workshop with Filipp Chapkovski in Mainz in cooperation with the Universität Hamburg
After the oTree Beginner Workshop in Hamburg, Philipp Chapkosvki will give another two days advanced insights into oTree in Mainz.
If you are interest, please contact ipp-mainz [at] uni-mainz.de. The application deadline is the 27.05.2018.
May 29th-30th 2018 - oTree Beginner Workshop with Filipp Chapkovski in Hamburg in cooperation with the Universität Hamburg
By courtesy of the Universität Hamburg you can participate in the oTree Beginner Workshop in Hamburg. In this two-day workshop, Filipp Chapkovski form the University of Zurich is giving lectures and hands-on programming advice in the new experimental software oTree. The workshop includes a general introduction to oTree, programming lectures, tips for running live online experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk and an outlook on future developments within oTree.
If you are interested, please contact Leonie Gerhards (Niklas.Wallmeier [at] wiso.uni-hamburg.de).
May 28th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Mircea Trandafir from the University of Southern Denmark
Mircea Trandafir from the University of Southern Denmark has been invited to give a talk on
"Spillover Effects of Early-Life Medical Interventions"
at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
May 16th 2018 - IPP Seminar: The Political Responses of Virtual Assistants by Christopher Ojeda (Unversity of Tennessee)
Christopher Ojeda, from the University of Tennessee (USA) has been invited to give a talk. Topic: The Political Responses of Virtual Assistants. Date and place: 6 p.m. (s.t.) at GFG 01-611.
Virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa or Apple's Siri, are quickly becoming features of everyday life, but little is known about their political responses. In this paper, I survey six virtual assistants and find that they typically have an above average knowledge of politics, an elementary understanding of important political concepts, and only a handful of opinions on important political issues. In follow-up interviews with tech workers, ranging from software engineers to executives, I discover that how companies craft responses to political questions is motivated in large part by economic considerations and that the future responses of these machines will likely create political echo chambers in which responses are highly customized to individual users. I conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for civics education and political polarization and by imploring social scientists to take seriously the idea that intelligent machines should be studied.
May 3rd-4th 2018 - 1st SOEPcampus @ JGU Mainz
The Chair of Applied Statistics and Econometrics is pleased to announce
the following workshop: 1st SOEPcampus @ Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz: Introduction to the German Socio-economic Panel Study
The one-and-a-half day workshop offers a well-grounded and practically oriented introduction into this sophisticated data source. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection, and weighting strategy. Registration is limited to 25 persons and the allocation takes place on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please register via Email (sekretariat.schank@uni-mainz.de) until February 26, 2018. For more information, click here.
April 12th 2018: IPP/ Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Program Symposium on Inequality
Keynote speaker Christoph M. Schmidt (Head of the German Council of Economic Experts) at our symposium on inequality, which was jointly organised by the IPP and the Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Program (MSPFP).
The MSPFP fellows, who are important decision makers from ministries and foundations, and researchers from the Rhein-Main-Universities jointly presented their work on the topic of inequality (see also the Agenda). The keynote lecture was given by Prof. Christoph M. Schmidt – head of the German Council of Economic Experts as well as head of the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research - .
“This symposium has shown that crossing academic boarders as well as crossing borders between academic fields contributes to objectify the debate about “Inequality” – a topic that publicly debate often in an emotional manor. Furthermore, this symposium sparked the development of ideas how to overcome inequality in societies”, said Professor Daniel Schunk, who organized this event. The results of this symposium will be summarized as a policy paper which will be published soon.
February 15th - 16th 2018: IPP Retreat in Schloss Sörgenloch
On the 15/16th of Februrary 2018, members of the IPP gathered for the fivth consecutive retreat in the castle Sörgenloch near Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration.
February 5th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Oskar Nordström Skans from the Uppsala University
Oskar Nordström Skans from the Uppsala University has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
January 8th 2018: Faculty Seminar with Christian Proano from the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Christian Proano from the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 11th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Christina Felfe from the University St. Gallen
Christina Felfe from the University St. Gallen has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 27th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Farid Toubal from École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay
Farid Toubal from the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 27th - 28th 2017: Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations
On the 27th-28th of November 2017, the Chair of International Economics and the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz will host a workshop on FDI and Multinational Corporations. Keynote Speaker is Farid Toubal. Students interested in the area and scholars from related disciplines are highly welcome to attend. Please send a short registration e-mail to kwacker@uni-mainz.de . Location: ReWi I 03-150 (“Dekanatssaal”).
More information under https://www.international.economics.uni-mainz.de/fdi-workshop/2017-2/
November 20th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Etienne Farvaque from the University of Lille
Etienne Farvaque from the University of Lille has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 13th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Boris Hirsch from the University of Lüneburg
Boris Hirsch from the University of Lüneburg has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 6th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Bertil Tungodden from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Bertil Tungodden from the Norwegian School of Economics has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
October 23rd 2017: MABELLA - Mainz Behavioral and Experimental Laboratory Opening
The Mainz Behavioral and Experimental Laboratory (MABELLA) was successfully opened. Keynote speaker was Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels, Director of the Cologne Laboratory of Economic Research, one of the most influential economists in behavioral and design economics and receiver of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation.
The event took place in Forum 6 - 2. Floor at 2 pm.
August 30th 2017: Sponsored seminar on Accuracy in Personality Judgement
Prof. David C. Funder (UC Riverside) provided an overview of more than 30 years of his research on accuracy in personality judgment, describing how it evolved over time and the conclusions he has reached.
This event took place at Binger Str. 14-16, 1. Stock, Raum 01-231.
June 22nd 2017: IPP Lecture with Katrin Scharfenkamp from the University of Tübingen
Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp, University of Tübingen, gave a lecture on “Women on Boards, Attendance Rates and Firm Performance: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study”. The talk took place in the "RW6" (ReWi I building).
June 19th 2017: IPP Lecture with Heiner Schumacher from the KU Leuven
Prof. Heiner Schumacher, KU Leuven, gave a lecture on “You are fired! Employees' Response to Unfair Employer Behavior”. The talk took place in the "RW6" (ReWi I building).
June 16th 2017: IPP Lecture with Steffen Altmann from the University of Copenhagen
Prof. Steffen Altmann, University of Copenhagen, gave a lecture on “Deadlines and Cognitive Limitations”. The talk took place in the "RW6" (ReWi I building).
May 22th 2017: IPP Seminar with Martin Karlsson from the University of Duisburg-Essen
Martin Karlsson the University of Duisburg-Essen has been invited to give a talk on "Premium Refunds and Claiming Behaviour in the German Private Health Insurance Market" at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
January 30th 2017: Faculty Seminar with Hessel Oosterbeek from the University of Amsterdam
Hessel Oosterbeek from the University of Amsterdam has been invited to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 19th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Petra Moser from NYU Stern
Petra Moser, NYU Stern, will give a talk on „Effects of Copyrights on Science: Evidence from the 1942 Book Republication Program“ at the Faculty Seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
December 14th 2016: IPP Seminar with Laura Seelkopf, PhD from the University of Bremen / European Union Institute Florence
Laura Seelkopf PhD from the University of Bremen / European Union Institute Florence has been invited by Claudia Landwehr to give a talk on "Ungleichheit und Umverteilung: Die aktuelle Situation in der OECD und die Lage im Rest der Welt". You can find the abstract here. The talk will take place on Wednesday, December 14 from 18:00-19:30 in GFG 01-731.
December 12th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Rosario Crino from the Catholic University of Milan
Rosario Crino from the Catholic University of Milan has been invited by Philipp Harms to give a talk on "The Hidden Cost of Globalization: Import Competition and Mental Distress" at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 28th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Monique de Haan from the University of Oslo
Monique de Haan from the University of Oslo has been invited to give a talk on "Head Start and the distribution of long term education and labor market outcomes (joint work with Edwin Leuven)" at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
November 18th - 19th 2016: IPP Retreat at Schloss Sörgenloch
On the 18/19th of November 2016, members of the IPP were invited for the fourth consecutive retreat in the castle Sörgenloch near Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was once again to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration. Presentations of successful IPP projects by young researchers as well as discussions about future large scale cooperation were held.
November 10th 2016: Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations
On the 10th of November 2016, the Chair of International Economics and the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz will host a workshop on FDI and Multinational Corporations. Keynote Speaker is Beata Smarzynska Javorcik. Students interested in the area and scholars from related disciplines are highly welcome to attend. Please send a short registration e-mail to kwacker@uni-mainz.de . Location: ReWi I 03-150 (“Dekanatssaal”).
More Information under https://www.international.economics.uni-mainz.de/fdi-workshop/2016-2/
November 7th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Daniel Kaufmann from the ETH Zurich
Daniel Kaufmann from the ETH Zurich has been invited to give a talk on "Is Deflation Costly After All? Evidence from Noisy Historical Data" at the faculty seminar, 4:15 - 5:45 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
July 21st 2016: Ananish Chaudhuri from the University of Auckland
Ananish Chaudhuri from the University of Auckland has been invited to give a talk on „Belief heterogeneity among conditional cooperators and the decay in contributions in linear public goods games: experimental evidence”from 11:00 - 12:00 pm. Location: "Softwarelabor" (“Altes ReWi”, Room 01-115).
June 27th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Kaisa Herne from the University of Tampere
Kaisa Herne form the University of Tampere was invited by Claudia Landwehr to give a talk on "Rules to Select Rules Matter: An Experimental Analysis of Voting Rule Selection" at the faculty seminar.
Kaisa Herne's work focuses on justice, reciprocity and deliberative democracy as well as experimental political science. Her paper is available from Claudia Landwehr upon request.
The IPP Seminar took place from 6:00-7:30 pm in the "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
June 20th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Sebastian Vollmer from the University of Göttingen
Sebastian Vollmer from the University of Göttingen has been invited by Reyn Van Ewijk to give a talk on „Socioeconomic Determinants of Childhood Undernutrition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” at the faculty seminar, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Location of the talk: HS VII (00 424) ReWi Container.
For more information on Sebastian Vollmer`s research please see:
May 30th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Petter Lundborg from Lund University
Petter Lundborg from Lund University in Sweden gave a talk on "Brothers in Arms: Spillover Effects from a Draft Lottery" at the faculty seminar, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150)
Petter Lundborg obtained his PhD in Economics at Lund University in 2003. Before starting his current Position as Professor of Economics he worked as an Assistant Professor at the VU University Amsterdam.
The abstract to the presentation can be found here.
May 2nd 2016: Faculty Seminar with Jeannette Brosig-Koch from the University of Duisburg-Essen
Jeannette Brosig-Koch from the University of Duisburg-Essen has been invited to give a talk on "Physician performance pay: Evidence from a laboratory experiment" at the faculty seminar, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Location of the talk: "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
Jeannette Brosig-Koch obtained her PhD in Economics at the University of Magdeburg in 2003. Before starting her current position as Professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2008, she worked as Professor at the University of Cologne and as Assistant Professor at the University of Magdeburg. Her fields of research are Experimental Health Economics, Market, Auction and Contract Design and Game Theory.
May 9th 2016: IPP Seminar with Markus Tepe from the University Oldenburg
Markus Tepe will give a talk (“Werkstattgespräch”) on experimental methods in political science, inviting participants to discuss the potentials, limits and challenges of lab experiments. The talk will take place from 10-12 am in the FB 02 Dekanatssaal (Georg Forster Gebäude, top floor). After the talk, there will be the opportunity for informal exchange over lunch. Please register with Simone Ndongala (ndongala@politik.uni-mainz.de) if you want to come along for lunch.
Markus Tepe is Full Professor of Political Science / Political System of Germany at the Social Science Department at the University of Oldenburg. He holds a Dr. rer. pol. from the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin and an MA in Political Science, Public Law and Economic Policy from the University of Münster. His research is focused on political decision making in comparative public policies, political sociology and social science research methods.
March 9th 2016: IPP Seminar on the FDI-growth relationship with Chris Muris, Simon Fraser University
Chris Muris from the Simon Fraser University has been invited by Konstantin Wacker to give a talk at the IPP seminar which will take place in room "Softwarelabor" (“Altes ReWi”, room 01-115) from 12:00pm-13:00pm.
The topic of the talk will be "How homogeneous is the FDI-growth relationship? A cluster estimation approach to parameter heterogeneity."
Chris Muris is an Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. His work has been published, inter alia, in Econometric Theory and the Journal of the American Statistical Association.
March 7th-8th 2016: Workshop on Experimental Research Methods
Prof. Dr. Gerald Eisenkopf will give a two day workshop on experimental research methods in Mainz.
The course is primarily for doctoral and post-doctoral students and will cover the topics of programming with zTree, experimental implementation and hints on how to deal with experiment participants.
The deadline for registration for the course is the 21.02.2016. Please register by sending a mail with your name and affiliation to ipp-mainz@uni-mainz.de.
February 29th 2016: IPP Seminar on Multiple Statistical Decision Problems with Thorsten Dickhaus, University of Bremen
Thorsten Dickhaus from the University of Bremen has been invited to give a talk at the IPP seminar which will take place in room "Softwarelabor" (“Altes ReWi”, room 01-115) from 11:00am-12:30pm.
Thorsten Dickhaus obtained his Natural Sciences (Mathematics) PhD at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in 2008. Before starting his current position as a Full Professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of Bremen, he was a Stand-in Professor for Applied Statistics at Clausthal University of Technology and later held a Junior Professor position at the Department of Mathematics at the Humboldt-University Berlin.
Thorsten Dickhaus’s talk is titled, Multiple Statistical Decision Problems: An Overview with Emphasis on Multiple Tests. He will talk about problems of simultaneous statistical inference. An overview of multiple statistical decision problems, classical as well as recent solutions which account for the intrinsic dependencies and the amount of signals in the data will be presented. Special attention is given to multiple testing and control of the false discovery rate.
February 11th - 12th 2016: Workshop on Improving "Soft" Skills.
John Carlis from the University of Minnesota held a workshop which consisted of two parts:
- Writing (and Coaching) a One-Draft Thesis/Proposal/Paper
- Giving a Good Talk, a Necessary Skill
He wrote: "Why should you care about this workshop? Well, your career depends on your ability to communicate or lack of it. Technical knowledge is necessary but not sufficient. So, you need these skills and the confidence that goes with having them. Why listen to me? Well, I've helped lots of people improve (from all over the world – there is no writing or talking gene), so this advice has been vetted. I will be available for several days, so make use of me."
Participation was free of charge for PhD students and postdocs of IPP.
Find more information here: Content of the Workshop, Preparation for the Workshop
January 11th 2016: Faculty Seminar with Erik Sorensen from the NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Erik Sorensen from the NHH Norwegian School of Economics has been invited by Prof. Daniel Schunk to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The talk will take place in the “Dekanatsaal” (ReWi I Building). The topic is "Choice and personal responsibility: What is a morally relevant choice?"
Before starting his current position as a Professor at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics and part-time Professor at the University of Oslo, Erik Sorensen was a Junior-Professor at the University of Mannheim and did his post-doc at the VU University Amsterdam. He is a member of The Choice Lab and Center for Empirical Labor Economics at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics.
December 14th 2015: Faculty Seminar with Hans van Kippersluis, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Hans van Kippersluis from the Erasmus University Rotterdam has been invited by Professor Reyn Van Ewijk to give a talk at the faculty seminar, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The talk takes place in room "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150).
Hans van Kippersluis obtained his PhD in Health Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2010. Before starting his current position as Associate Professor of Health Economics he worked as Assistant Professor in Rotterdam. He is also Research Associate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Research Fellow at the Center for Social and Economic Research (CESR) at the University of Southern California, at the Tinbergen Institute and at Netspar. His active research connects the fields of health economics and economics of education.
November 26th and 27th: Research Retreat
On the 26/27th of November 2015, all members of the IPP were invited for a two day retreat in the castle Sörgenloch near Mainz. The main purpose of the retreat was to foster the exchange of research ideas and collaboration. Presentations of successful IPP projects as well as discussions about future large scale cooperation were held.
November 19-20th 2015: Workshop Socioeconomic and Political (In)equality
with Philipp Harms, Claudia Landwehr und Nils Steiner.
November 18th 2015: Lecture with Florian Rupp from the German University of Technology in Oman
Prof. Dr. Florian Rupp from the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) has been invited by Dr. Martin Leroch to give a talk on "Towards modeling and simulating changes in societies". The talk will take place from 12 - 1:30 p.m.
His research areas include dynamical systems and their stability/bifurcations, Hamiltonian systems, molecular dynamics, applications and mathematical modelling in Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and in particular Social Sciences, as well as the simulation of PDEs with stochastic forcing or controls. Time slots will be available for individual meetings and conversations with Prof. Dr. Florian Rupp after the lecture. Location: HS VII (00 424) Container.
November 16th 2015: Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations
On the 16th of November 2015, the Chair of International Economics and the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz will host a workshop on FDI and Multinational Corporations. Keynote speaker is Prof. Ron Davies from the University College Dublin. Students interested in the area and scholars from related disciplines are highly welcome to attend. Please send a short registration e-mail to kwacker@uni-mainz.de by November, 11. Location: ReWi I 03-150 (“Dekanatssaal”).
More information and a workshop schedule are available here
November 2nd 2015: Faculty Seminar with Michel Maréchal from the University of Zurich
Michel Maréchal from the University of Zurich has been invited by Prof. Daniel Schunk to give a talk on „Civic Honesty Across the Globe“ at the faculty seminar. The talk will be from 6 - 7.30 p.m. and takes place in the “Dekanatsaal” (ReWi I Building, 03-150).
Michel Maréchal obtained his PhD in Economics and Finance from the University of St. Gallen in 2007. He currently holds a position as Associate Professor of Experimental Economics at the University of Zurich.
His research is interdisciplinary and crosses the boundaries of economics to social psychology, finance, political science, criminology, and biology. He uses field and lab experimental methods, and his current research projects cover topics like honesty, employee motivation, business culture and unethical behavior, as well as context-dependence in economic preferences.
September 22nd to 24th 2015: Summer School and Research Workshop "Self-regulation and Economics of Education"
On 23 September 2015, the research priority program Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) and the Chair of Public Economics (Prof. Daniel Schunk) at the University of Mainz host an international research conference in Economics of Education. Keynote speakers are Eric Bettinger (Stanford University), Helena Skyt Nielsen (Aarhus University) and Alexander Koch (Aarhus University). The workshop is embedded in a summer school with international participants, taking place from 22 to 24 September.
More information can be found here.

August 25th 2015: Press Release - Elementary School E-Learning ProjectHow does the use of e-learning technologies influence the performance and motivation of elementary school students? The field research project led by Professors of Economics and Information Systems from the Department of Law, Management and Economics at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz focused on the above question. For further information, please click Pressemeldung_IPP_LSSchunk_LSRothlauf_Wiwi.
July 20th 2015: Research Workshop on Experimental Research in Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance
The Department of Corporate Governance would like to announce a Research Workshop on Experimental Research in Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance. Guest speakers and participants from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Duisburg Essen University will attend. The workshop will take place on July 20th, 2015 at the Johannes Gutenberg University (Dekanatssaal).
July 20th 2015 – 6:00-7:30 pm: Faculty Seminar with Florian Zimmermann, University of Zurich
Florian Zimmermann from the University of Zurich has been invited by Professor Daniel Schunk to give a talk at the faculty seminar. The talk takes place in room HS VII (00 424) (ReWi Container building). The working paper on which this talk will be based is "Learning about Job Search: A Field Experiment with Job Seekers in Germany".
Florian Zimmermann obtained his PhD in Economics at Bonn Graduate School of Economics in 2013 with a visiting stay at the University of California in 2011. Thereafter he started his current position as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich. He is also research associate at CESifo and Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). His active research focus connects the fields of behavioral economics, experimental economics and applied microeconomics.
June 17th 2015 – 10:15-11:45 am: Philipp Harms: Thomas Piketty‘s "Capital in the Twenty-First Century": Contents and Discussion
In the course on "Politisches Denken über Staat und Markt" by Prof. Claudia Landwehr Prof. Philipp Harm will hold a presentation and discussion on the recent book by Thomas Piketty. The event will be held in English and takes place in Room N1 ("Muschel", Johann-Joachim-Becher-
Weg 21). All MIEPP students are wellcome to attend. Further information
January 19th 2015 - 6:00-7:30 pm: Faculty Seminar with Claudia Archetti, University of Brescia
Stefan Irnich invited Claudia Archetti from the University of Brescia to give a talk at the faculty seminar. The topic will be announced soon. The talk takes place in room RW 2 (ReWi I building).
Dr. Claudia Archetti: Claudia Archetti obtained her PhD in Economics at the University of Bergamo. Since 2005 she is researcher in Operations Research at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Brescia. In 2013 she obtained the tenure as associate professor in Operations Research. Claudia Archettis research activities focused on supply chain management and routing problems.
December 9th 2014 - 12-4 pm: VOICE YOURSELF, Workshop for Women in the Master Program MIEPP
Are you presenting your ideas and your work as effectively as possible?
Are you making the most of your voice? Are you heard?
Many women are not. And VOICE is an important part of why.
Most men are heard. VOICE is an important part of why.
The workshop will be directed by Nidia Palacios. Nidia is an Italian-Argentinian Mezzoso-prano, who has successfully performed all over the world including, Paris, St. Petersburg Tokyo, Rome, Buenos Aires and last but no least Germany. She will show how to use the voice, how to fill a stage, how to capture an audience and make them believe. She has done so hundreds of times. (see http://www.nidiapalacios.com/index.html)
December 8th 2014 - 6:00-7:30 pm: Faculty Seminar with Armin Schäfer, MPI Köln
Invited by Claudia Landwehr Armin Schäfer, Professor of International Comparative Political Economy at University of Osnabrück will give a talk on “The Poor Political Representation of the Working Class”. The talk takes place in room “Dekanatssaal” (ReWi I building, 03-150).
Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer: With a M.A. in International Conflict Analysis and a Diploma in Political Science Dr. Armin Schäfer completed his Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne and the University Bremen. From 2006-2014, he worked as a researcher at the MPIfG and was awarded his habilitation by the University of Heidelberg in 2014. He is one of the speakers of the Political Economy Section in the German Association of Political Science (DVPW). Armin Schäfer conducts both theoretical and empirical research focusing on democracy and European integration.
November 10th 2014 - 6:00-7:30 pm: Faculty Seminar with Maros Servatka, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
During this visit in Mainz Maros Servatka will give a talk at the faculty seminar of Gutenberg School of Management and Economics. The topic of the lecture is "A behavioral approach to the theory of the firm". The talk takes place in room "Dekanatssaal" (ReWi I building, 03-150). The two papers that the lecture is based on are Investment in Outside Options as Opportunistic Behavior: An Experimental Investigation and Does Group Identity Prevent Inefficient Investment in Outside Options? An Experimental Investigation.
Dr. Maros Servatka: After Maros Servatka completed his M.A. and his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Arizona he was a visiting scholar at the universities of Chicago, Mannheim and Sydney. Since 2007 he was first a lecturer and now an associated professor at the Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Canterbury. During this period he also was visiting professor at the University of Economics in Bratislava. In 2012 he founded the New Zealand Experimental Economics Laboratory. Since 2013 he works as member of the editorial of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Professor Servatkas research focuses are experimental economics, behavioral economics und social psychology. With his interdisciplinary approaches and his experience in building up an experimental laboratory he will enrich the IPP-community.
October 9th-10th 2014: Retreat October 2014.
On 9/10th October 2014, members of the IPP-group met for a two-day retreat in Ingelheim. The main purpose of this retreat was the exchange of research ideas between the different members of IPP. Several research presentations on topics ranging from neurobiology to international economics and political science as well as many engaging discussions on how to proceed in the research cooperations took place.
October 9th 2014: Mainz Workshop in Labour Economics: Labour Market Policy.
The workshop intends to provide a platform for the discussion of new ideas in the structural evaluation of labour market policies. Particular attention will be given to modeling labour market policies in presence of search-and-matching frictions and information asymmetries. Submission of theoretical and empirical papers is equally encouraged. Keynote speech of the workshop will be delivered by Prof. Pierre Cahuc (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris). Further information can be found here:
September 30th - October 2nd 2014: A Workshop on Improving "Soft" Skills.
John Carlis from the University of Minnesota offers a workshop consisting of two parts:
- Writing (and Coaching) a One-Draft Thesis/Proposal/Paper
- Giving a Good Talk, a Necessary Skill
He writes: "Why should you care about this workshop? Well, your career depends on your ability to communicate or lack of it. Technical knowledge is necessary but not sufficient. So, you need these skills and the confidence that goes with having them. Why listen to me? Well, I've helped lots of people improve (from all over the world – there is no writing or talking gene), so this advice has been vetted. I will be available for several days, so make use of me."
Participation is free of charge for PhD students and postdocs of IPP. Please register by September 19th by email to: ipp-mainz@uni-mainz.de.
Find more information here.
June 27th and 28th 2014: Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Auditing.
This symposium brings together academics, practitioners and regulators in the field of auditing. One aim of the symposium is to discuss the policy implications of current research in auditing. Prof. Gronewold (University of Potsdam), Prof. Koch (JGU Mainz), and Prof. Möller (University of Passau) are the joint organizers. A young scholar workshop precedes the symposium. The symposium takes place at Potsdam on June 27-28. Further information is available at:
June 26th and 27th 2014: Mainz Workshop in Trade and Macroeconomics 2014.
Prof. Philipp Harms (International Economics) and Prof. Klaus Wälde (Macroeconomics) are jointly organizing the “Mainz Workshop in Trade and Macroeconomics 2014”, which will take place on the JGU campus from June 26-27, 2014. The workshop aims at stimulating the exchange of ideas in the fields of trade and open-economy macroeconomics. The keynote speech will be delivered by Fabio Ghironi (University of Washington). Further information can be found here: http://www.international.economics.uni-mainz.de/Dateien/Mainz_TradeMacro_Workshop_2014_Program_1u2(1).pdf
Mai 26th 2014: Officially started: The IPP Research Unit
The research unit IPP had its official inaugural meeting on Monday 26th of May 2014. Following a short presentation of goals and a roadmap of the IPP for the next years, the speaker, Prof. Daniel Schunk, the deputy speaker Prof. Michèle Wessa as well as the coordination committee were officially elected. After the elections, Prof. Fehr from the the University of Zurich gave a research talk on “Economic and Cultural Influences on Human Preferences”. The talk was followed by a lively discussion and the group interacted for another hour in an informal get-together. In the evening, Prof. Fehr was awarded the Gutenberg Research Award.
Mai 26th 2014 – 4pm: Talk Prof. Ernst Fehr
On the occasion of the official inaugural meeting of the University Research Priority Program ‘Interdisciplinary Public Policy’ (IPP), Professor Ernst Fehr, an internationally renowned economist from the University of Zurich, who is known not only for his contributions in economics, but also in psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology, will give a talk on “Economic and Cultural Influences on Human Preferences” (Großer Dekanatssaal des FB03)
November 20-21: Retreat November 2013
On 20/21st November 2013, members of the IPP-group were meeting for a two-day retreat in Ingelheim. The main purpose of this retreat was an exchange of research ideas between the different members of IPP. We had a total of 13 research presentations on topics ranging from neurobiology to international economics and political science as well as many engaging discussions that led to the start of new interdisciplinary research cooperations.