
The members of the IPP publish in internationally peer-reviewed journals and also contribute to a range of policy-relevant publications. Please find below a selection of the publications of the IPP members from the previous years.





Author(s) Publication
Afsharian, A., Dollard, M.F., Dormann, C. , Ziaian, T. & Winefield, T. (2023). PSC through the lens of dispersion-composition model: The beneficial effects of PSC ideal as a high and strong PSC signal. Work & Stress. 37(2), 171–194.
Ahrweiler, P. (2023). The Evolution of Innovation. In: Chen, P., Elsner, W. and A. Pyka (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Complexity Economics. London: Routledge.
Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N., Bicket, M., Sabater Coll, A., Luque Capellas, B., Wurster, D., Siqueiros, J. & Späth E.
Gamification and Simulation for Innovation. In: Elsenbroich, C. (ed), Advances in Social Simulation, forthcoming. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham.
Alves, H. & Imhoff, R. (2023). Evaluative context and conditioning effects among same and different objects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 124(4), 735–753.
Asad, S., Hennig, J. C., Oehmichen, J., Wolff, M. & Haas, V. (2023). From Attention to Action: How Board Environmental Expertise Influences Corporate Environmental Performance. Strategic Organization.
Barbaro, S. & Steiner, N. D. (2023). Plurality Rule, Majority Principle and Indeterminacy in German Elections, FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 79(1), 64–91. DOI: 10.1628/fa-2023-0001
Barriga, A., Ferguson, N., Fiala, N. & Leroch, M. (2023). Ethnic Cooperation and Conflict in Kenya. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.
Biel, J., Finger, T., Niemann, A., Reinke, V., Kossakowski, R., Jungblut, J., Mańkowski, D. & Llopis‐Goig, R. (2023). A European Public Sphere United by Football: A Comparative Quantitative Text Analysis of German, Norwegian, Polish and Spanish Football Media. Journal of Common Market Studies.
Bossler, M. & Schank, T. (2023). Wage Inequality in Germany after the Minimum Wage Introduction. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(3), 813–857.
Bossler, M., Moog, A. & Schank, T. (2023). Labor Demand Responses to Changing Gas Prices. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 23(4), 1073–1080.
Braun, M., Heintz L., Kruschinski, S., Trepte, S. & Scharkow, M. (2023). Gender Diversity at Academic Conferences—The Case of the International Communication Association (ICA). Journal of Communication, 73(6), 601–615.
Crispin, C., Afsharian, A., Dollard, M., Dormann, C., Glozier, N., Gill, T. & Taylor, A. (2023). Tranquillizing work stress: Corporate climate and antidepressant and opioid use. BMJ Open, 13(12). DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074235
Dignath, C., Fabriz, S., van Ewijk, R. & Perels, F. (2023). Let Learners Monitor the Learning Content and Their Learning Behavior! A Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Tools to Foster Monitoring, Educational Psychology Review, 35(2), 62.
Elsässer, L. & Schäfer, A. (2023). Political Inequality in Rich Democracies. Annual Review of Political Science, 26, 469–487.
Faas, T., Huber, S., Krewel, M. & Roßteutscher, S. (2023). Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie. Nomos.
Fehre, K., Oehmichen, J., Steinberg, P. J. & Widmann, B. (2023). The time for the future is now: CEO temporal focus and firms’ identification and interpretation of grand challenges – The example of water scarcity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 406, 137041.
Ferguson, N. & Leroch, M. (2023). Individual Experiences of Violence and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from Incentivized Experiments in Kenya. European Journal of Political Economy.
Ferrín, M., Hernández, E. & Landwehr, C. (2023). Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy. Topline results from rounds 6 and 10 of the European Social Survey, ESS Topline Results Series, Issue 13.
Fichtner, U. A., Arslanow, A., Binder, H., Galle, P. R., Labenz C., Lammert, F., Ortner, J., Stelzer, D., Velthuis L. & Farin-Glattacker, E. (2023). How do (false) positively screened patients experience a screening programme for liver cirrhosis or fibrosis in Germany? A qualitative study. Health Expectations 26(5), 1923–1930.
Fischer, A., Herkenhoff, P. & Sauré, P. (2023). Identifying Chinese Supply Shocks – Effects of Trade on Labor Markets, Review of International Economics. 31(4). 1476–1507.
Otte, G., Sawert, T., Brüderl, J., Kley, S., Kroneberg, C. & Rohlfing, I. (2023). Gütekriterien in der Soziologie. Eine analytisch-empirische Perspektive. Zeitschrift für Soziologie. 52(1), 26–49.


Author(s) Publication
Afsharian, A., Dollard, M.F., Dormann, C., Ziaian, T. & Winefield, T. (2022). PSC through the Lens of Dispersion-Composition Model: The Beneficial Effects of PSC Ideal as a High and Strong PSC Signal. Work & Stress. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2022.2120561
Alpers, S. & Imhoff, R. (2022). Suspecting Foul Play When It Is Objectively There: The Association of Political Orientation with General and Partisan Conspiracy Beliefs as a Function of Corruption Levels. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Amdal CD, Falk RS, Singer S., Madeline Pe, Piccinin C, Bottomley A, et al. (2022). A multicenter international prospective study of the validity and reliability of a COVID-19-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire. Quality of Life Research. doi: 10.1007/s11136-022-03272-2
Amdal CD, Falk RS, Singer S., Madeline Pe, Piccinin C, Bottomley A, et al. (2022). Scoring manuals for The Oslo COVID-19 quality of life questionnaire. Open Science Framework. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/NMX4H
Arzheimer, K. (2022). A short scale for measuring political secularism. Politics and Religion. 15(4), 827-840. doi:10.1017/S1755048322000104
Beck, T., Bohlender, B., Viehmann, C. , Hane, V., Adamson, Y., Khuri, J., Brossmann, J., Pfeiffer, J., Gurevych, I.(2022). AdapterHub Playground: Simple and Flexible Few-Shot Learning with Adapters. Association for Computational Linguistics. Vol.: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. 61-75
Bilewicz, M. & Imhoff, R. (2022). Political Conspiracy Beliefs and Their Alignment on the Left-Right Political Spectrum. Social Research: An International Quarterly. 89(3), 679-706. doi:10.1353/sor.2022.0039
Bossler, M. & Schank, T. (2022). Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction. Journal of Labor Economics. forthcoming.
Brach, B., Pikmann, J., Fachinger, F., Kemmerer, P., Büchler, B., Singer, S., et al.(2022). Impact of the temporary closure of a major bridge on local air quality in two large German cities: an accountability study. Air Quality Atmosphere & Health. 15, 1477–1487. doi:10.1007/s11869-022-01190-3
Brand, A., Geeraert, A. & Niemann, A. (2022). European (dis-) integration theories, Brexit and sport: A double disconnect and tentative remedies, in: Jacob Kornbeck (ed.): Sport & Brexit: Regulatory Legacies and Challenges, London etc.: Routledge, 23-40
Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A. …, Balzer, D., …, Kunißen, K., …, Otte, G., …, Sonntag, N. , …, Steiner, N. & … (165 Authors) (2022). Observing many Researchers using the same Data and Hypothesis reveals a hidden Universe of Uncertainty. In: PNAS, 119 (44): e2203150119.
Brodehl, S. , Müller, R., Schömer, E., Spichtinger, P., Wand, M. (2022). End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images. Remote. Sens. 14(15), 3760.
Büttner, M., Singer, S., Hentschel, L., Richter, S., Hohenberger, P., Kasper, B., et al.(2022). Financial toxicity in sarcoma patiens and survivors in Germany: results from the multicenter PROSa study. Supportive Care in Cancer. 30, 187–196. doi:10.1007/s00520-021-06406-3
Cortina, J. M., Dormann, C., Markell, H. M. & Keener, S. K.(2022). Endogenous Moderator Models: What They are, What They Aren’t, and Why it Matters. Organizational Research Methods.
Deilen, S., Hansen-Schirra, S., & Nagels, A. (2022). The Effect of Segmentation Signs in Compounds on Reading Behavior: an Eye-Tracking Study. Lebende Sprachen. 67(1), 45-99.
Dignath, C., Rimm-Kaufman, S., Van Ewijk, R. & Kunter, M. (2022). Teachers’ Beliefs about Inclusive Education and Insights on What Contributes to Those Beliefs: A Meta-analytical Study. Educational Psychology Review. 34, 2609–2660.
Downar, B., Ernstberger, J. , Koch, C. & Prott, M. (2022). Does Practitioner Research Help Auditors to Provide Higher Audit Quality and Improve their Reputation? European Accounting Review. 31(5), 1059–1081. doi:10.1080/09638180.2022.2103013
Eichler, M. , Singer, S. , Hentschel, L. , Richter, S. , Hohenberger, P. , Kasper, B. , et al. (2022). The association of Health-Related Quality of Life and 1-year-survival in sarcoma patients—results of a Nationwide Observational Study (PROSa). British Journal of Cancer. 126(9), 1346-1354. doi:s41416-022-01702-z
Fabian, N. E., Weck, M., Hanelt, A., Firk, S., Oehmichen, J. & Bhattacharya, A. (2022). Many roads lead to digital transformation: A configurational perspective on digital competence elements. . ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 3.
Frenken, M., & Imhoff, R. (2022). Malevolent intentions and secret coordination. Dissecting cognitive processes in conspiracy beliefs via diffusion modeling. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 103. doi:S0022103122001020
Frenken, M. & Imhoff, R. (2022). Don’t trust anybody: Conspiracy mentality and the detection of facial trustworthiness cues. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 37(2), 256-265.
Frenken, M., Bilewicz, M. & Imhoff, R. (2022). On the relation between religiosity and the endorsement of conspiracy theories: The role of political orientation. Political Psychology. 44(1), 139-156.
Frinken, J. & Landwehr, C. (2022). Information and deliberation in the Covid-19 crisis and in the climate crisis: how expertocratic practices undermine self-government and compliance. Acta Politica. DOI:
Garcon, A., Vexler, J., Budker, D., & Kramer, S. (2022). Deep neural networks to recover unknown physical parameters from oscillating time series. PLOS ONE. 17(5).
Georgakakis, D., Heyden, M. L. M., Oehmichen, J. D. R. & Ekanayake, U. I. K. (2022). Four decades of CEO–TMT interface research: A review inspired by role theory. The Leadership Quarterly. 33(3).
Gill, A., Heinz, M.,Schumacher, H. & Sutter, M. (2022). Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry. Management Science.
Gruhle, T. & Harms, P. (2022). Producer Services and the Current Account. Journal of International Money and Finance. 121.
Harms, P., Hoffmann, M., Kohl, M. & Krahnke, T. (2022). Inequality and the Structure of Countries’ External Liabilities. IMF Working Paper No.22/138.
Herget, F., Kleppmann, B., Ahrweiler, P., Gruca, J. & Neumann, M. (2022). How Perceived Complexity Impacts on Comfort Zones in Social Decision Contexts—Combining Gamification and Simulation for Assessment. Advances in Social Simulation.
Huber, S. & Welz, R. (2022). Koalitionen und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Wahlverhalten in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In: Elff, M., Ackermann, K., Giebler, H. (eds) Wahlen und politische Einstellungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Wahlen und politische Einstellungen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 245-276
Imhoff, R. (2022). Conspiracy theories through a cross-cultural lens. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 5(3)
Imhoff, R., Bertlich, T. & Frenken, M.(2022). Tearing apart the “evil” twins: A general conspiracy mentality is not the same as specific conspiracy beliefs. Current Opinion in Psychology. 46, 101349
Imhoff, R., Zimmer, F., Klein, O., António, J. H. C., Babinska, M., Bangerter, A., Bilewicz, M., Blanuša, N., Bovan, K., Bužarovska, R., Cichocka, A., Delouvée, S., Douglas, K. M., Dyrendal, A., Gjoneska, B., Graf, S., Gualda, E., Hirschberger, G., Kende, A., Kutiyski, Y., ..., & van Prooijen, J.-W. (2022). Conspiracy Mentality and Political Orientation across 26 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 392–403.
Isphoring I., Diederichs M., Van Ewijk R., Pestel N. (2022). Schools under mandatory testing can mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Forthcoming
Jost, P., Kruschinski, S., Sülflow, M., Haßler, J. & Maurer, M. (2022). Invisible Transparency. How Different Types of Disclaimers on Facebook Affect Whether and How Digital Political Advertising is Perceived. Policy & Internet.
Jürgens, P., Meltzer, C. E. & Scharkow, M. (2022). Age and gender representation on german tv: A longitudinal computational analysis. Computational Communication Research. 4(1)
Karn, I., Mendiratta, E., Fehre, K. & Oehmichen, J. (2022). The effect of corporate governance on corporate environmental sustainability: A multilevel review and research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Kircher, T., Stein, F. & Nagels, A. (2022). Differences in single positive formal thought disorder symptoms between closely matched acute patients with schizophrenia and mania. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 272(3), 395–401.
Koch, C., Rothacker, V. & Scharfbillig, M. (2022). Do Local Proxy Advisors Matter? - Evidence from Germany. Accounting and Business Research. 53(1), 83-107.
Labenz, C., Arslanow, A., Nguyen-Tat, M., Nagel, M., Wörns, M-A., Reichert, M.C., Heil, F.J., Mainz, D., Zimper, G., Römer, B., Binder, H., Farin-Glattacker, E., Fichtner, U., Graf, E., Stelzer, D., Van Ewijk, R., Ortner, J., Velthuis, L., Lammert, F., Galle, P.R.(2022). Structured Early detection of Asymptomatic Liver Cirrhosis: Results of the population-based liver screening program SEAL. Journal of Hepathology. 77(3), 695–701.
Landwehr, C. (2022). Deliberative Demokratietheorie und empirische Demokratieforschung, in: Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver und Dirk Jörke: Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte. Rainer Schmalz-Bruns zum Gedenken, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 69–86.
Landwehr, C., Saalfeld, T. & Schäfer, A. (2022). Contested Representation: Challenges, Shortcomings and Reforms. Cambridge University Press ISBN: 1009267728, 9781009267724
Leimer, B. & Van Ewijk, R. (2022). Are grandchildren good for you? Well-being and health effects of becoming a grandparent. Social Science & Medicine. 313, 115392.
Leimer, B. & Van Ewijk, R. (2022). No “Honeymoon Phase”: Whose health benefits from retirement and when. Economics & Human Biology. 47, 101171.
Leininger, A., Sohnius, M-L., Fass, T., Roßteutscher, S. & Schäfer, A. (2022). Temporary Disenfranchisement: Negative Side-Effects of Lowering the Voting Age. American Political Science Review. 117(1), 355–361.
Lichti, C., & Tumasjan, A. (2022). "My precious!": A values-affordances perspective on the adoption of Bitcoin. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 24(3), 629-663. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00790
Maier, L., Engesser, D., Petermann-Meyer, A., Paul, R., Reuter, A.K. & Singer, S. (2022). "Es hat so einen etwas bitteren Beigeschmack" – Die Abschaffung des Antrags- und Gutachterverfahrens aus Sicht von Psychotherapeut*innen in der ambulanten Versorgung. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 73(01), 16–24. DOI: 10.1055/a-1850-1886
Mangold, F. & Scharkow, M. (2022). Metrics of news audience polarization: Same or different? Communication Methods and Measures. 16(3), 157-181.
Maurer, M., Jost, P., Kruschinski, S. & Haßler, J. (2022). Inkonsistent einseitig. Die Medienberichterstattung über Geflüchtete, 2015-2020 Publizistik. 68, 13–35.
Maurer, M., Jost, P., Schaaf, M., Sülflow, M. & Kruschinski, S. (2022). How right-wing populists instrumentalize news media: Deliberate provocations, scandalizing media coverage, and public awareness for the Alternative for Germany (AfD). International Journal of Press/Politics.
Maurer, M., Oeberst, A. & Imhoff, R. (2022). How Do Conspiratorial Explanations Differ from Non-Conspiratorial Explanations? A Content Analysis of Real-World Online Articles. European Journal of Social Psychology. 53(2)
Müller, K.W., Beutel, M.E., Reinecke, L., Dreier, M., Schemer, C., Weber, M., Schnauber-Stockmann, A., Stark, B., Quiring, O. & Wölfling, K.(2022). Internet-Related Disorders and their Effects on Personality Development in Adolescents – Results from a Prospective Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(1), 529–540.
Müller, N., Nagels, A. & Kauschke, C.(2022). Metaphorical expressions originating from human senses: Psycholinguistic and affective norms for German metaphors for internal state terms (MIST database) Behavior Research Methods. 54(1), 365-377.
Nisic, N. & Abraham, M. (2022). Familie und räumliche Mobilität. In: Arránz Becker, O., Hank, K., Steinbach, A. (eds) Handbuch Familiensoziologie. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Nisic, N. & Molitor, F. (2022). Die Nachfrage nach haushaltsnahen Dienstleistungen im Kontext staatlicher Unterstützungsleistungen: Ein Überblick über Determinanten, Modelle staatlicher Förderung und Konsequenzen für Haushalte und Dienstleister* innen. WSI Study. 31.
Nisic, N., Molitor, F. & Trübner, M.(2022). A Matter of Quality? Experimental Evidence on Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Domestic Services. Working Papers 2209, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Oeberst, A., & Imhoff, R. (2022). Towards parsimony in bias research:: A Proposed Common Framework of Belief-Consistent Information Processing for a Set of Biases. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Qiang, G., Koch, C. & Zhu, A. (2022). The Value of Industry Specialization: Evidence from a Structural Model. The Accounting Review. 97(7), 193–222.
Resing, M., Ziegele, M., Frehmann, K., Jackob, N., Jakobs, I., Quiring, O., Schemer, C., Schultz, T. & C Viehmann, C. (2022). Deprived, Radical, Alternatively Informed. Associations between Socioeconomic, Political, and Media-Related Characteristics and Belief in Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories. European Journal of Health Communication. 3(2), 97–130.
Riedl, L., Nagels, A., Sammer, G., Choudhury, M., Nonnenmann, A., Sütterlin, A., . . . Straube, B. (2022). Multimodal speech-gesture training in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder: Effects on quality of life and neural processing. Schizophrenia Research. 246, 112–125.
Schaaf, M. & Viehmann, C. (2022). Media use and protest participation–but what is in-between? The role of different sources of information, media-related perceptions, and political efficacy for protest behavior. SCM Studies in Communication and Media. 11(2), 210–239.
Schäfer, A. (2022). Cultural Backlash? How (not) to explain to explain the rise of authoritarian populism.. British Journal of Political Science. 52(4), 1977–1993. doi:10.1017/S0007123421000363
Schäfer, A., Leininger,A., Sohnius, M., Fass, T. & Roßteutscher, S. (2022). Negative Side-Effects of Lowering the Voting Age. American Political Science Review. Forthcoming.
Schemer, C., Ziegele, M., Schultz, T., Quiring, O., Jackob, N. & Jakobs, I. (2022). Political Information Use and its Relationship to Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories among the German Public. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 99(4), 908–929.
Seifert, I. S., Rohrer, J. M., Egloff, B. & Schmukle, S. C. (2022). The development of the rank-order stability of the Big Five across the life span. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122, 920–941. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000398
Singer, S., Blanck, J., Scholz, I., Büttner, M., Maier, L. (2022). Hängen die Stundenkontingente für ambulante Psychotherapie zur Behandlung von Depressionen mit deren Schweregrad zusammen? Der Nervenarzt. 93, 1143–1149.
Singer, S., Engesser, D., Wirp, B., Lang, K., Paserat, A., Kobes, J., et al. (2022). Effects of a statutory reform on waiting times for outpatient psychotherapy: A multicentre cohort study Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 22(4), 982–97.
Singer, S. , Hammerlid, E., Tomaszewska, I.M. et al. (2022). Methodological approach for determining the Minimal Important Difference and Minimal Important Change scores for the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Module (EORTC QLQ-HN43) exemplified by the Swallowing scale. Quality of Life Research. 31, 841–853.
Singer, S. , Kojima, E., Deppisch, L., Taylor, K., Wickert, M., Riedel, P. et al. (2022). What is the best time for psychosocial counselling from the perspective of cancer patients and their relatives? A multi-centre qualitative study. Quality of Life Research. 22, 558–568.
Singer, S., Maier, L., Paserat, A., Lang, K., Wirp, B., Kobes, J. et al. (2022). Waiting times for psychotherapy before and after the reform of the psychotherapy law in Germany.Psychotherapie. 67(2), 176-184.
Singer, S.,Riccetti, N., Hempler, I., Fried, M., Riera Knorrenschild, J., Kalie, L., et al.(2022). Awareness and use of psychosocial care among cancer patients and their relatives - A comparison of people with and without a migration background in Germany.Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 149, 1733–1745.
Sobania, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). Program Synthesis with Genetic Programming: The Influence of Batch Sizes. In: Medvet, E., Pappa, G., Xue, B. (eds) Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13223. Springer, Cham.
Sotto, L. F. D. P., Rothlauf, F., de Melo, V. V., und Basgalupp, M. P. (2022). An Analysis of the Influence of Noneffective Instructions in Linear Genetic Programming.EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION. 30(1), 51–74. doi:
Speyer, J., Chaban, N., Niemann, A. (2022). International Perceptions of Brexit. In: Leruth, Benjamin; Gänzle, Stefan; Trondal, Jarle (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, Abingdon: Routledge.
Steiner, N.D., Schimpf, C.H. & Wuttke, A (2022). Left Behind and United by Populism? Populism’s Multiple Roots in Feelings of Lacking Societal Recognition. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 64, 107–132.
Steiner, N., & Landwehr, C. (2022). Learning the Brexit Lesson? Shifting Support for Direct Democracy in Germany in the Aftermath of the Brexit Referendum. British Journal of Political Science. 53(2), 757–765. doi:10.1017/S0007123422000382
Steiner, N. D., Berlinschi, R., Farvaque, E., Fidrmuc, J., Harms, P., Mihailov, A., Neugart, M. & Stanek, P. (2022). Europeans rallied around the EU flag after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. VoxEU/CEPR.
Steiner, N. D., Berlinschi, R., Farvaque, E., Fidrmuc, J., Harms, P., Mihailov, A., Neugart, M., & Stanek, P. (2022). Rallying around the EU flag: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and attitudes toward European integration. Journal of Common Market Studies. 61, 283–301.
Stier, S., Mangold, F., Scharkow, M. & Breuer, J. (2022). Post post-broadcast democracy? News exposure in the age of online intermediaries. American Political Science Review. 116(2), 768–774. doi:10.1017/S0003055421001222
Stockemer, D., Niemann, A., Unger, D., & Plank, F. (2022). Equally at risk? Perceived financial differences, risk assessment and containment measures in the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemporary Politics. 28(2), 225–244. DOI: 10.1080/13569775.2021.1992148
Trübner, M., Nisic, N., Dunker, A. & Kley, S. (2022). Nachhaltiger Lebensmittelkonsum – eine Frage der sozialen Differenzierung? Soziale Welt. 73(4), 680–712.
Van Doorn, S., Georgakakis, D., Oehmichen, J. & Reimer, M. (2022). Opportunity or threat? Exploring middle manager roles in the face of digital transformation. Journal of Management Studies.
Van Ewijk R. & Lindeboom M. (2022). Selective mortality and fertility and long run health effects of prenatal wartime exposure. Economics & Human Biology. 47, 101186.
Viehmann, C., Beck, T., Maurer, M., Quiring, O. & Gurevych, I.(2022). Investigating Opinions on Public Policies in Digital Media: Setting up a Supervised Machine Learning Tool for Stance Classification. Communication Methods & Measures. 17(2), 150–184. DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2022.2151579
Viehmann, C., Ziegele, M. & Quiring, O. (2022). Communication, Cohesion, and Corona: The Impact of People’s Use of Established, Alternative, and Private Information Sources on their Sense of Societal Cohesion in Times of Crises. Journalism Studies. 23:5-6, 629–649. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2021.1965907
Weber, R., Brand, A., Koch, F. & Niemann, A. (2022). A European mind? Europeanisation of football fan discussions in online message boards. European Journal for Sport and Society. 19(4), 323–346.
Weber, R., Brand, A., Koch, F. & Niemann, A. (2022). Cosmopolitans and communitarians: A typology of football fans between national and European influences. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 57(4), 532-551. DOI: 10.1177/10126902211028147
Weck, M. K., Veltrop, D. B., Oehmichen, J. & Rink, F. (2022). Why and when female directors are less engaged in their board duties: An interface perspective. Long Range Planning. 55(3), 102123.
Xu, X., Zhao, P., Hayes, R., Le, N., & Dormann, C. (2022). Revisit the causal inference between organizational commitment and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis disentangling its sources of inconsistencies Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.


Author(s) Publication
Ahrens, K. F., Neumann, R. J., Kollmann, B., Brokelmann, J., von Werthern, N. M., Malyshau, A., Weichert, D., Lutz, B., Fiebach, C. J., Wessa, M., Kalisch, R., Plichta, M. M., Lieb, K., Tüscher, O. & Reif, A. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on mental health in Germany: longitudinal observation of different mental health trajectories and protective factors. Translational Psychiatry, 11, 392.
Ahrweiler, & P. Neumann, M. (2021). Advances in Social Simulation. Proceedings of the 15th Social Simulation Conference
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Author(s) Publication
Dormann, C., Guthier, C. & Voelkle, M.C. (2020) Reciprocal Effects between Job Stressors and Burnout: A Continuous Time Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies. Psychological Bulletin, 146(12), 1146 1173.doi/10.1037/bul0000304
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Harms, P. & Landwehr C. (2020) Is money where the fun ends? Material interests and individuals’ preference for direct democracy, European Journal of Political Economy 61,
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Huber, S., Faas, T., Gabriel, O. W., & Maier, J. (2020) Politikwissenschaftliche Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung. Nomos: 593-614. ISBN 978-3-8487-2175-7. 
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Koch, C., Downar, B. & Ernstberger J. (2020) Who Makes Partner in Big 4 Audit Firms?, Accounting, Organizations and Society, forthcoming.
Koch, C., Downar, B. & Ernstberger J. (2020) Determinants and Consequences of Auditor Dyad Formation at the Top Level of Audit Teams, Accounting, Organizations and Society, forthcoming.
Landwehr, C. &  Christopher O. (2020) Democracy and Depression: A Cross-National Study of Depressive Symptoms and Nonparticipation, American Political Science Review 115(1), DOI: 10.1017/S0003055420000830.
Landwehr, C., Gaus, D. & Schmalz-Bruns, R.  (2020) Defending democracy against technocracy and populism: Deliberative democracy's strengths and challenges, Constellations, DOI: 10.1111/1467-8675.12529.
Maurer, M., Jost, P. & Hassler, J. (2020) Populism Fuels Love and Anger: The Impact of Message Features on Users’ Reactions on Facebook. International Journal of Communication, 14, 2081–2102
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Maurer, M., Nagel, M.-T., Schäfer, S., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Schemer, C., Molerov, D., Schmidt, S., & Brückner, S. (2020) How do university students’ web search behavior, website characteristics, and the interaction of both influence students’ critical online reasoning? Frontiers in Education, 5, 565062.
Niemann, A., Stockemer, D., Speyer, J. & Unger, D. (2020) ‘The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism’, International Migration Review, 53(3), pp. 883-912.
Quiring, O., Ziegele, M., Esau, K. & Dennis, F. (2020) Linking News Value Theory with Online Deliberation: How News Factors and Illustration Factors in News Articles Affect the Deliberative Quality of User Discussions in SNS’ Comment Sections. Communication Research, 47(6): 860-890.
Quiring, O., Jackob, N., & Marcus Maurer (2020) Traditionen und Transformationen des Öffentlichen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Quiring, O., Jackob, N., & Marcus Maurer (2020) Traditionen und Transformationen des Öffentlichen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Rothlauf, F. & Probst, M. (2020) Harmless Overfitting: Using Denoising Autoencoders in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 21(78), P. 1 – 31. 
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Singer S., Bayer, O., Billaudelle, F., Alt, J., Heß, G., Specht, M., Höfinghoff, B., Riedel, P., Wickert, M., & Hechtner, M. (2020) Was Männer davon abhält, Krebsberatungsstellen aufzusuchen. Eine multizentrische qualitative Studie. Der Onkologe 26(11) 1047-55. 
Stewen, I. & Hoffmann, M. (2020) Holes in the Dike: the Global Savings Glut, U.S. House Prices and the Long Shadow of Banking Deregulation. The Journal of European Economic Association, 18(4), 2013–2055.
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Van Ewijk, R., Pradella, F., Leimer, B., Fruth, A., & Queißer-Wahrendorf, A. (2020) Ramadan During Pregnancy – Fasting, Nutrition, Sleep Patterns and Offspring Health at Birth: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Wand, M., Chopite, J. G., Hullin, B. M. & Iseringhausen, J. (2020) Deep Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction. IEEE CVPR 2020: 957-966.
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Wessa, M., Meine, L. E., Schüler, K., Richter-Levin, G. & Scholz, V. (2020) A Translational Paradigm to Study the Effects of Uncontrollable Stress in Humans. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(17).


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Arzheimer, K.and Berning, C. (2019) How the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and their voters veered to the radical right, 2013-2017. Electoral Studies. 60.
Berning, C., Lubbers, M., and Schlueter, E. (2019) Media Attention and Radical Right-Wing Populist Party Sympathy: Longitudinal Evidence From The Netherlands. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 31(1). Pages 93–120.
Burkhardt, S., Kramer, S. (2019) Decoupling Sparsity and Smoothness in the Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder Topic Model, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(131):1−27, 2019.
Dormann, C., Guthier, C., Cortina, J. (2019) Introducing Continuous Time Meta-Analysis (Co-TiMA). Organizational Research Methods. Online First.
Dormann, C., Schulte-Braucks, J., Baethge, A., Vahle-Hinz, T. (2019). Get even and feel good? Moderating effects of justice sensitivity and counterproductive work behavior on the relationship between illegitimate tasks and self-esteem. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(2), 241-255. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000112
Egloff, B., Schmukle S. C., Korndörfer, M.(2019). No evidence that economic inequality moderates the effect of income on generosity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , 116(20) 9790-9795. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1807942116.
Egloff, B., Kubiak, J., Rother, S. (2019) Keep your cool and win the game: Emotion regulation and performance in table tennis. Journal of Personality, 87(5), 996-1008. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12451
Hett, F., Hermes, H., Mechtel, M., Schmidt, F., Schunk, D., Wagner, V. (2019) Do children cooperate conditionally? Adapting the strategy method for first-graders. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Koch, C., J. Ernstberger, E. M. Schreiber G. Trompeter (2019) Are Audit Firms' Compensation Policies Associated with Audit Quality?. Contemporary Accounting Research. fouthcoming
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Kunißen, K. (2019) From Dependent to Independent Variable: A Critical Assessment of Operationalisations of ‘Welfare Stateness’ as Macro-Level Indicators in Multilevel Analyses. Social Indicators Research. 142 (2): 597-616.
Niemann, A., Stockemer, D., Speyer, J., Unger, D. (2019) The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism, International Migration Review.
Quiring, O., Köhler, C., Weber, M. (2019) I Want a Savior, Not a Victim. The Impact of Media Representations of the EU and Economic Shocks on Citizens’ Supportive Attitudes on the European Integration. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 31(1), 45–69.
Quiring, O., Jackob, N., Schultz, T., Jakobs, I., Ziegele, M., Christian S. (2019) Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Medienvertrauen im Zeitalter der Polarisierung. Media Perspektiven 5/2019, 210-220.
Rothlauf F., Sobania, D. (2019) Teaching GP to Program Like a Human Software Developer: Using Perplexity Pressure for Guiding Program Synthesis Approaches, In: accepted as full paper for GECCO 2019, Prague, July 13th-17th 2019.
Rothlauf, F., Sotto, L. (2019) On the Role of Non-effective Code in Linear Genetic Programming, In: accepted as full paper for GECCO 2019, Prague, July 13th-17th 2019. 2019.
Sauré, P., Fischer, A., Groeger, H., Yesin, P.(2019) Current account adjustment and retained earnings.Journal of International Money and Finance. 94. 246-259.
Schunk, D., Linnér, R., Biroli, P. members of the GSSAC-consortium,  et al. (2019) GWAS of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over one million individuals identify hundreds of loci and reveal shared genetic influences. Nature Genetics. 51(2) (2019), 245-257. doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0309-3
Schunk D.,  Bruhin, A., Fehr, E. (2019) The Many Faces of Human Sociality – Uncovering the Distribution and Stability of Social Preferences. Journal of the European Economic Association. 17(4). 1025–1069.
Stewen, I., Hoffmann, M., Maslov, E. & Sorensen, B. (2019) “Channels of Risk Sharing in the Eurozone: What Can Banking and Capital Market Union Achieve?” , IMF Economic Review, 67(3), pages 443-495. 
Tüscher O., Gerlicher AMV,  Kalisch R.(2019) L-DOPA improves extinction memory retrieval after successful fear extinction. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 236(12):3401-3412. doi: 10.1007/s00213-019-05301-4. Epub 2019 Jun 26. PubMed PMID:
Tüscher, O., Kampa, M., Schick, A., Sebastian, A., Wessa, M., Kalisch, R. & Yuen, K. (2019). Replication of fMRI group activations in the neuroimaging battery for the Mainz Resilience Project (MARP). 204.
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Wessa, M. Ascheid, S., Linke, J. O. (2019). Effects of valence and arousal on implicitapproach/ avoidance tendencies: A fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, [Epub]. 131. August 2019, Pages 333-341.


Author(s) Publication
Burkhardt S., Kramer S. (2018) Online Multi-Label Dependency Topic Models for Text Classification, Machine Learning, 107(5):859-886, 2018.
Dormann, C., Schulte-Braucks, J., Baethge, A., and Vahle-Hinz, T. (2018) Get even and feel good? Moderating effects of justice sensitivity and counterproductive work behavior on the relationship between illegitimate tasks and self-esteem. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 24(2), 241-255.
Egloff, B., Rohrer, J. M., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D. and Schmukle, S. C. (2018). In your eyes only? Discrepancies and agreement between self- and other-reports of personality from age 14 to 29. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115, 304-320.
Egloff, B., Kaurin, A., Heil, L. F., Wessa, M. and Hirschmüller, S. (2018). Selfies reflect actual personality - just like photos or short videos in standardized lab conditions. Journal of Research in Personality, 76, 154-164.doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.08.007
Emrich, O., Kleinlercher, K, Herhausen, D., Verhoef, P., and Rudolph, T. (2018). Websites as Information Hubs – How Informational Channel Integration and Shopping Benefit Density Interact in Steering Customers to Physical Stores. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research (JACR), 3(3), 330-342.
Harms, P., Landwehr, C., Scharfbillig, M., Schunk, D. (Hg.) (2018). Ungleichheit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Ursachen und Implikationen. Science Policy Paper 2. Frankfurt am Main: Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programm.
Harms,. P and Schwab, J. (2018) Like it or not? How the economic and institu-
tional environment shapes individual attitudes towards multinational enterprises, The World Economy, 42(3). DOI: 10.1111/twec.12683
Helmreich, I.,Chmitorz, A., Kunzler, A., Tüscher, O., Kalisch, R., Kubiak, T., Wessa, M., Lieb, K. (2018) Intervention studies to foster resilience - A systematic review and proposal for a resilience framework in future intervention studies. Clinical Psychology Reviews 2018 Feb;59:78-100. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2017.11.002. Epub 2017 Nov 10.
Koch, C., van Buuren, J.,  van Nieuw Amerongen, N. and Wright, A. M. (2018) Evaluating the Change Process for Business Risk Auditing: Legitimacy Experiences of Non-Big 4 Auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (Journal: B), Vol 37, Issue 2, pp. 249–269.
Koch, C., Englert, M., Wüstemann, J. (2018) The Effects of the Financial Crisis on the Organizational Reputation of Banks: An Empirical Analysis of Newspaper Articles. Business & Society (Journal: B), (onlinefirst)
Kramer S. Shao J., Yang Q., Zhang Z., Liu J. (2018) Graph Clustering with Local Density-Cut, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA-2018), 2018. 187-202.
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