Pictures by  Peter Pulkowski


In 2017, the IPP founded the interdisciplinary Mainz Behavioral and Experimental Laboratory (MABELLA). The MABELLA is devoted to cutting-edge experimental research in the social sciences. The primary goal of the MABELLA research unit is not only to learn individuals’ economic and moral decision-making behavior but to gain an evidence-based understanding of how institutions, cooperations and governments can implement effective incentives and rules.


The MABELLA features state-of-the-art technological equipment for interdisciplinary social science data collection. Since its start, this laboratory runs at almost full capacity and serves as a crystallization point for innovative social science research at JGU and as an incubator for interdisciplinary research ideas among junior scientists. Testing time is also in demand by JGU-researchers that are not members of the IPP as well as in evenings. Moreover, the laboratory serves as a meeting point for young researchers and thus catalyzes their collaboration across disciplinary boundaries. As of 2019, researchers in the MABELLA conducted over 40 different experiments, gathering data of more than 2000 subjects.

The MABELLA was recently featured in the JGU Magazine. Click here to read the article.

For more information about the MABELLA, click here.